Why are you traveling to make a call? You could just call.
Why are you traveling to make a call? You could just call.
Agreed. I also believe we should all stop showing up for work until we are guaranteed health care, a living wage, and reasonable housing prices. We shouldn’t contribute to system that works against us.
Everyone I know has to work multiple jobs and have roommates to be able to afford housing. What is this free time you speak of?
No. The divide between the rich and everyone else is growing. We will be able to afford less and less.
I think I pretty much agree. I think they would both be me just like me from yesterday and me from a week ago are the same me. They aren’t exactly the same, but they are both versions of me that my current self grew from.
What if the original wasn’t destroyed? Wouldn’t it be a clone then? Which one would feel like it was really you?
My last pair of vans lasted about 3 months. I only skated in them like 2 times too.
People don’t do much besides watch shows on streaming services these days. It’s the only way to relate to the audience.
It’s been Voyager for me.
“What do you mean scrambled eagle eggs are illegal?”
Twin peaks reference?
Yikes. I routinely absent mindedly leave my shopping cart in people’s way. It’s not intentional, I just always seem to forget about it when I’m looking for something.
I guess I deserve my fate.
Almost exactly what I said.
Racists are better. At least misanthropes hate everyone equally.
There’s nothing we can do at this point. Help animals die a dignified death while they still have a chance. They are going to slowly cook alive otherwise.
I don’t have any hope left for the planet.
Nope. I’ve told my close friends about it and I share lemmy links to them sometimes. That’s enough. Just share lemmy links instead of saving images to send. That will make people curious eventually.
Pretty soon too. I love programming simulations of chaotic systems. One thing that they all seem to have in common is that there’s a very fine line between fairly stable chaos and absolutely runaway crazy chaos. It’s something that scientists call the edge of chaos. That’s where our world and all life on it thrives. We have to be right on the knifes edge between order and disorder for complexity to emerge and stabilize.
Push the system slightly too far in one direction and things spiral out of control VERY quickly. It’s not going to slowly get worse for decades… it’s going to slowly get worse then BOOM… things will get really fucking bad really fucking fast.
I like this answer.
That’s sad.
I deleted my 14 year old reddit account when they pulled their shit. Then I recently created a new account because I need to be able to get answers to specific programming questions sometimes, and lemmy doesn’t have the population of users that reddit still has. I generally post on both lemmy and reddit, but I almost always get more answers on reddit.