my partner are going on a cross country trip over canada this summer. going to do some camping and fishing, maybe a couple of overnights at a hotel here and there, we want to have some fresh seafood in nova scotia. just getting it out ofnour systems while we can.
you’re not wrong, in my case i just suffer from chronic migraines, have my whole life. MRI didnt pick up anything unusual, all general tests came back negative, by all defintions i have a “healthy” brain. i live in canada, and the former conservative government cut a lot from healthcare in our province just before covid, so now it takes forever to see a doctor or a specialist. im still getting more tests done, itll just take a while since im in no “immediate” danger, lol.
NDP are trying to re open some hospitals that were closed and build new ones now that they are in power. so hopefully it goes back to like it was before the cons, or maybe better. either way is fine with me, lol.
I had a crippling migraine. I thought I was going to die. I crawled to the bathroom and ran the tub, tears streaming down my face. I felt so weak, every movement made my head feel like it was going to explode.
I got my partner to grab me some water and Advil as I lay in the bath. I stayed there all night: head pounding, wishing I was dead, dreaming of drilling a hole in my skull with a power drill just to relieve the pressure behind my eyes.
Eventually, it passed, but it lingered for the rest of the week, consistent, though much less intense.
The following day, I got a call from my mother. She was worried about me. It turns out she’d had a dream that I had died in a bathtub, and she wanted to check in.
Later that day, I saw an article on quantum immortality, and remembered a part from the game Alan Wake, where a TV segment you can come across discusses the theory.
Essentially, at certain moments there is a quantum break, which creates alternate realities, where you, or you conciousness shifts to a universe where you are still alive, but also creating alternate versions where you die.
so basically,you never experience your own death
Sometimes I wonder if I did die in that bathtub. The world I woke up in only seems to be getting stranger and stranger each day.
Or perhaps not. Who knows? There are many mysteries in life. And to many, that’s what gives it meaning.
Who am I to question the incredible strangeness of existence? And who would I be if I pretended to know its secrets? …Evidently, nobody of consequence.
buy clothes second hand, or make your own. never buy a brand new vehicle if you absolutely need one. learn how to DIY repair as much of your tech, laptops, computers, cellphones as possible. can or freeze your left overs. grow your own food and herbs if you can. recycle whatever you can at home for purposes you may need them for. BUILD YOUR HOME OUT OF RECYCLED AND AVAILABLE MATERIAL IF POSSIBLE WHERE YOU LIVE.
BUY AN OLD BIKE, AND RIDE IT WHEREVER YOU CAN REASONABLY. upgrade it to a DIY ebike using systems like bafang if you need to go further or or faster. buy second hand if possible.
cook all your meals at home, dont eat out, the food quality dependant on sources of ingredients will likely be higher if you put time and effort into learning a core skill like cooking.
learn how to do calisthetics and jog, ditch your gym membership, or build a home gym from second hand equipment. some can even be sourced for free.
make home made gifts, home made cards, learn how to knit, people go ape shit for scarves and sweaters made by hand. maybe learn how to make jewellery, you do not have to use precious metals and stones to make jewellery.
buy tools second hand, borrow them from friends and family if needed
it requires a little extra work to be more independant and consume less, but it is by far more rewarding mentally, and physically to do so. and for some, even spiritually.
buy second hand computers, and computer parts, build a “homelab” for self hosting your own streaming and entertainment services, email, gaming servers, etc.
get rid of all of your subscriptions where possible, and learn how to offer that service yourself where you can.
ive personally done all of this, it can be difficult, but your wallet will thank you in the long run if you can adapt to your new economic environment. and i vuarantee you, your life will be much more fulfilling.
the games and cards are fuelled by nostalgia and gambling addictions.
there is no quality to their game play and pokemon go was a massive invasion of privacy through tracking data.
fuck pokemon.
edit: the irony of my statement is not lost on me, thats why its a joke :D. but since yall former redditors like to argue so much.
MTG is a better TCG. theres no getting around quality of game play as well as gameplay support. ive never met a pokemon card enthusiast who actually plays the card game instead of just raw collecting, and ive met A LOT of them (i was one, as a younger man, and have spent decades at conventions and in TCG shops, events, etc) as opposed to MTG players where its 95% about deck building and play for them. collecting is a huge component of MTG, however a cards financial cost is secondary to most MTG players, as opposed to card GAMEPLAY value.
ive collected both, and played both since the 90’s.
pokemon relies on merchandizing, video games, and TV shows, whereas MTG is just 99% cards, newer card game simulators that most people dislike (go Xmage, though) and some loose lore.
theres just no contest when it comes to TCG gameplay. sorry, not sorry.
that and all the incest that happened back in the day. mennonites and hudderite colonies apparantly had a lot of that going on.
there was a guy names “slap shot abe” and he apparantly was a mentally handicapped man, but may also at one point may not have been. apparantly he did a lot of psychedelics in the 70s and 80s and it fried his brain. he just lost the plot, and started wandering around town with a hocket stick, gloves, and a helmet. and he would just slap rocks and shit as hard he could. hence “slap shot abe”. you would find him just fucking sending it against the wall behind (at the time) only mall. and he had these big thick 70’s glasses kind of similar to bubbles from the trailer park boys. and in the summer, hed be out in shorts and hawaiian shirts, but still had the gloves and the helmet and hockey stick. he also road a bike occaisionally.
i never spoke to him personally, but he wasnt violent as far as i knew. he just drank beer and slap shotted shit all the time.
i think he died a few a while ago. he was my dads age, maybe a decade or so older. dad avoided him when he was younger. but apparantly back then he was still slap shotting shit. so at least he was consistent in his purpose, and earned his name.
RIP slap shot abe.