These are gorgeous! If it’s okay with you, may I use this as my wallpaper?
If yes, is there a high res image? Thanks!
InfoSec Person | Alt-Account#2
These are gorgeous! If it’s okay with you, may I use this as my wallpaper?
If yes, is there a high res image? Thanks!
Someone asked the same question on a cross-post:
Tl;Dr is the recent rust drama.
More info:
My personal website is made using Hugo, sitting behind Caddy, and hosted on Racknerd. I see elsewhere in the thread that you’re looking for something akin to a $5/month VPS, but racknerd is MUCH cheaper for much more vCPU + vRAM (older hardware, but that’s not a deal breaker for hosting a static website).
I used to do $6/Month on Digital Ocean for 1 vCPU + 1GB vRAM + 1TB bandwidth, but now I’m somewhere like $3/Month for 2 vCPU + 2.5GB vRAM + 5TB bandwidth [1]. In fact, I paid $6 extra to have the server in France. Otherwise it’s $30 a year.
Check out racknerd tracker [2]. I found out about it through lemmy many months ago [3]. The person who made the website gets some affiliate stuff.
Can single-branch handle cloning from a particular commit? I know that it’s possible to clone particular branches and particular tags with depth=1, but OP states cloning at a particular commit, not HEAD.
? I use this all the time when I clone the kernel.
Edit: reread that you wanted to download code at a particular commit.
I’m unsure whether your formatting messed up, but you shouldn’t have a space between the shebang () and the interpreter path (
). Also add a new line before your command:
gnome-terminal -- sh -c gotop
I tried this on my system (with htop instead of gotop) and it worked.
OP is talking about the alternating pattern between the two straw papers. In the SVG from Wikipedia, this corresponds to the “timing”
Do you want to return to that account?
If not, Temp mail works fine.
Also, Bug me not has user-submitted usernames + passwords to services. This works nicely.
I’ve used Port87 in the past. The user who created it promoted the service on lemmy initially. It worked (I paid for a few months).
I suggest using two different spellings:
Mold is the fungus.
To mould is to shape.
Nvm I’m an idiot. Lol
That seems to be the consensus online. But thanks for that tidbit! It feels even more bizarre now knowing that.
I wonder why a handful of people think the way I presented in the post. Perhaps American/British influences in certain places? Reading books by british authors and books by american authors at the same time? Feels unlikely.
Ah if you messed it up, you can press “e” on the grub entry and edit the command line parameters to remove the thing that messes it up. Good luck with your fresh install [and use Debian this time… jk :)]
Make sure to update your grub after you do. I’ve messed that one up before lol 😅
Do you not need the nvidia-drm.modeset=1
Could you show us the kernel command line parameters (in /etc/default/grub)? Is the modeset along with other params enabled? I’m not a fedora user, so I may not be of too much help.
MINIX originally was developed in 1987 by Andrew S. Tanenbaum as a teaching tool for his textbook Operating Systems Design and Implementation. Today, it is a text-oriented operating system with a kernel of less than 6,000 lines of code. MINIX’s largest claim to fame is as an example of a microkernel, in which each device driver runs as an isolated user-mode process—a structure that not only increases security but also reliability, because it means a bug in a driver cannot bring down the entire system.
In its heyday during the early 1990s, MINIX was popular among hobbyists and developers because of its inexpensive proprietary license. However, by the time it was licensed under a BSD-style license in 2000, MINIX had been overshadowed by other free-licensed operating systems.
Today, MINIX is best known as a footnote in GNU/Linux history. It inspired Linus Torvalds to develop Linux, and some of his early work was written on MINIX. Probably too, Torvalds’ early decision to support the MINIX filesystem is responsible for the Linux kernel’s support of almost every filesystem imaginable.
Later, Torvalds and Tanenbaum had a frank e-mail debate about the relative merits of macrokernels (sic) and microkernels. This early history resurfaced in 2004 when Kenneth Brown of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution prepared a book alleging that Torvalds borrowed code from MINIX—a charge that Tanenbaum, among others, so comprehensively debunked, and the book was never actually published (see Resources).
See also:–Torvalds_debate
That’s crazy helpful - thanks!
Perfect, thanks a million! I’ll be getting on them soon!
Could you link the page which shows your exact config at that price? I can’t find anything like that. KVM, AMD, Windows VPS - I looked at all three but none suggest the price you’ve written.
That price sounds like a steal, and I’d love to get it if possible. I currently pay $6/month per VPS with Digital Ocean
Thanks loads! It’s pretty sick and now is my lock screen wallpaper ;D