Usually, I prefer manually installing the packages needed for getting started with a new language or technlogy.

I avoid using distro package managers since they tend to be a bit outdated in this regard, and specialised package managers like SDKMAN! seem overkill for one or more packages. Exceptions being languages with excellent tooling and version management like Rust or Ocaml.

I’ve been doing this for a while and was wondering what the general consensus is

Edit: Thanks for your replies everyone! I’ve decided to stick with my distro package manager.

  • Definitely stick to the OS package manager. Not doing this is a mistake a lot of devs make.

    Otherwise you end up with an app that doesn’t run on most systems, and expecting people to do curl piped to bash as root.

    Stick to the stable branch. Stick to the OS repos.

  • lurch (he/him)
    141 year ago

    uninstalling sometimes doesn’t work when you install from source, so i’ve learned to be patient and always use the distro package.

      81 year ago

      This is why you should build a package when compiling from source instead of doing make install directly. Packages can easily unistalled or upgraded.

    111 year ago

    For personal use, I previously used system packages, but now I’m installing them through nix home-manager. It’s really nice, especially because I’ve got a list of them now and don’t have remember what to install ever again.

      41 year ago

      I’m also curious about getting Nix on non NixOS, are there any simple example home manager configurations to look at so that I can easily start?

          1 year ago

          Nice, thanks!
          I guess it’s a kind of “Easy start” and “Nix”, name a more iconic duo situation XD

            31 year ago

            It’s actually pretty easy if you start with those files, getting to them was a hellish process that took multiple failed attempts though. I’m actually planning on writing a short guide, but didn’t find the time yet.

              211 months ago

              Finally got to it and I AM SO GIDDY RIGHT NOW!!!
              I looked at your files to know what I should have expected, then, since I’m on Silverblue, I followed this guide coupled with with Home Manager’s Flake manual and finished off with installing Devbox (through Home Manager, which isn’t listed as one of the official installation options for some reason), made a Python environment with it and… it’s all looking good!
              Declarative workflow, here I come 🤩 (and I can soon shelve all those rusty distroboxes that don’t start anymore because Podman/Distrobox weirdnesses which have been all to frequent in my usage, yikes)

              Thanks again! I probably wouldn’t have taken the plunge so soon without your comment

                211 months ago

                Niiice, I’m glad you made it and that I was able to help! It’s really funny that your comment came in right after some other dude wrote to me that nix is dying because of drama articles.

                I haven’t heard of devbox before. Why choose it over nix develop?

                  211 months ago

                  Actually I hadn’t heard about nix develop, I came across Devbox pretty randomly

                  useless backstory

                  I remembered that I once saw a website Zero to Nix (on which I made a silly joke in the past on Reddit, but for the life of me can’t seem to find so it’s probably deleted) that said it would help learn the concepts of Nix, so I opened it just in case, then i saw that there was this FlakeHub banner on top that piqued my curiosity, I was like, is this a nod to Flathub: zero to nix landing page Then I saw this Fleek thing that sounded like Home Manager but more user friendly (?) fleek in the wild Then I saw that it was deprecated so I was back to Home Manager(which in the end was easy enough anyway), but first I checked out their website that mentioned this Devbox thing devbox in the wilder wild

                  Between that and the rest, for the whole journey (that took surprisingly little time) I constantly jumped around from one website to another to piece together information and verify that it was accurate and up to date, to avoid messing up at least this one thing 😵‍💫

                  So, after I saw it, I went to look into it more and found that it’s like a sort of nix shell for who is used to NPM and the like and I immediately wanted to try it out, because it just sounded like less mental burden then learning yet another thing, which was devenv as far as I got, which I found through these Reddit and Hacker News discussions.
                  So for now I feel right at ~ home with it.
                  In your experience, do you think using nix develop would slim things down without sacrificing too much comfort?

    91 year ago

    I use Nix, even on my Ubuntu machines, to install tooling in my user profile.

    Nixpkgs unstable stays pretty up to date. The few I want something on release day or bleeding edge nightlies, I override the derivation source. I use nvfetcher to pull the latest release or head of the default branch as part of my update routine.

    I’m pretty new to Nix, so its been slow integrating into my workflow, but I plan to start integrating flake’s into my repos. My team seems to have constant issues with keeping their tooling up to date which breaks things locally from time to time.

      11 year ago

      one more for using nix, but for language tooling I generally prefer a nix shell and installing per project dependencies there. then updates don’t break random projects and you know all the dependencies of a given project

    51 year ago

    Depends what I am working on.

    Sometimes I have to work with a mess of angular and node versions, which I don’t want polluting my main system and be something to need to manage. So I use containers for development and have all dependencies for that specific project in the container

    41 year ago

    +1 to running whatever is packaged by your distro. For me, Fedora is rarely out of date. If worse comes to worse, you can always volunteer to become a packager and improve the ecosystem for everyone while fixing your own problems.

    31 year ago

    Usually distro packages, even mingw and android’s sdk are packaged now (at least on Ubuntu which i’m forced to use).

    Not shying away from upstream though.

  • Irdial
    21 year ago

    I run Ubuntu and use the Nala frontend for APT to keep a log of my package installs. That way, I can easily remove everything if I no longer need to work with a particular language or set of dependencies. For anything too complicated, I like to drop into a Docker container (which integrates nice with VSCode/Codium)

    21 year ago

    I’m a big fan of Condaforge for this sort of thing. Keeps my development software separate from my daily driving software.