screenshot of KDE version 1 running on Debian 13(sid)
taken from:
Liar! You are not runnning KDE! On one app it says “KDE Control Center” instead of “KDE Kontrol Kenter”.
Kalm down.
Whatever you do, DO NOT acronymize that utility!!
i suppose that would make it (K|C)DE
Because you gave us a screenshot of KDE1 with a neofetch output that shows Debian 13, and because your title says so.
It’s the note that really did it for me.
Yeah that really confirmed it. Who trusts neofetch, come on
Damn, I know Debian is famous for having outdated packages, but this is ridiculous!
QEMU… coward!
Caught somewhere between Windows 95, OS/2, and BeOS…
There’s a little Workbench in there too, to my nostalgic eyes.
Can we talk about how much ram it consume ?
it’s nothing for a GNU/Linux user
Is that a new Linux distribution?
it’s all of them
As someone who has distro hopped three times in two weeks after finally giving up on Microsoft for a daily driver, I feel this.
Tumbleweed is being good to me so far though so I might be done!
Wait why are you all laughing?
Shut up. It’s stable.
Ah, I thought this was aVoid Linux
This is one step further than the peeps with win xp theming!
Crazy, already got virtual workspaces and a desktop containment with widgets
Workspaces are super old, basically as old as X itself. Pretty much any Linux DE has always supported them one way or another.
I think widgets may have been done before KDE too. Depends how you define them I guess, if it’s just dynamic output slapped on a graphical bar they’d definitely been done.
xeyes was technically a desktop widget I suppose. Desktop widgets started pretty much with X11.
That’s pretty crazy though 👀
ikr! ancient desktop environment on unstable release
I suppose it’s better than those people running CDE on modern desktop Linux!
Those people are just wrong because they’re not using NsCDE instead. NsCDE is wonderful and no one will ever convince me otherwise
Reminds me of OS/2
my void + kde 5 is using less ram.
just like god intended. not as beautiful as templeos though
True true.