Morning all, Just a quick update to say I’m making good progress with the development and we just hit 24k email signups!
This is great news. I have signed up!
I must say, despite of how awesome Sync for Reddit was, I think we should all try not to go overboard with our expectations of what the first version of Sync for Lemmy will be. This is testing ground for all developers and expecting the same level of polishment that an app had on its 22nd version might be detrimental to the actual experience.
We know what ljdawson is capable of, so let’s support him, let’s enjoy his work (I am sure Sync for Lemmy v1.0 will still be awesome), but let’s also give him time to refine his product on a new platform. I don’t know what is involved in the development of this new app, but I do see some points where all other Lemmy apps are struggling, so I can only assume this enterprise presents some new challenges. It is only fair to give him some room for growth and not expect absolute greatness from scratch.
I’ll bet Laurence is stoked to read: “It’s been 47 minutes since the last update. Is Sync for Lemmy abandoned?” once things are underway
As someone who bought Sync for Reddit (Pro) back in 2012, I just wanted to express my thanks for all your hard work over the years. It’s one absolutely stellar app, and you can count on a day one purchase for Sync for Lemmy from me.
Same here!
Absolutely, same here, will pay for Sync for Lemmy!
I’ll being pro again as well!
Agreed! I picked up Lifetime for Sync for Reddit before uninstalling it in support for Sync for Lemmy, and I’ll be popping for Lifetime again when it’s out! 🤘🏼 Long live Sync for Lemmy 🤓
This is the way 💪
Easiest purchase decision ever
This is the way 💪
Saving up my google play credit to buy lifetime pro on day one!
I’m happy to go Pro again too, but I need it to support non-Google Android
I was stuck on Sync 19 because of this
I’ll buy Pro again!
Day 1 purchase for me too.
There’s a sync sized hole in my home screen and only you can fill it
I’m so ready to get Sync’d again
Sync me daddy 😩😩
As a Sync Ultra user, would pay again. The quality of Sync is out of this world, I used Reddit just so I’d be able to enjoy a good UX on my phone.
Good luck with the first version!
I’ll be there on day one. Deleted Sync two days ago and need to fill that gap in my app list.
I haven’t been able to bring myself to uninstall it yet :(
Same :((( though not because of reddit, I’ve been looking to leave reddit for 4 years. Sync was a special app though.
It was hard. But I am finding a lot of the same communities here on Lemmy. And sync will be coming here soon enough.
Same here
I replaced it with Jerboa shortly after the the AMA. Jerboa has been great so far, but I’ll happily switch back to Sync for Lemmy.
The king is DEAD.
I’m hyped! Currently using Connect for Lemmy which feels fairly polished but I find myself always trying to do Sync’s gestures lol. Really excited to get Sync back!
If I keep Sync for Reddit installed on my phone, will there be a way to import my settings once the Lemmy version is released?
It’s the back swipe and the collapse, isn’t it! This is pretty good in the meantime so fair dos to the developer of Connect.
But sync was sooo good. Can’t wait.
Clearing read posts is something I miss.
Oh God this
Exactly lol. Also the swiping on comments and posts to upvote, save, reply, etc behaves differently. I find myself accidentally downloading posts when I’m just scrolling.
Exactly lol. Also the swiping on comments and posts to upvote, save, reply, etc behaves differently. I find myself accidentally downloading posts when I’m just scrolling.
Connect is good but the 3rd party Reddit apps were so crazy polished. The absolute dumbest thing spez did as an outcome of his dumb decisions was he sent all the best app developers on his platform, straight to his biggest competitor.
I mean third party apps have had over a decade more time to get polished in comparison to the Lemmy options. I’m not really optimistic that Lemmy is a true competitor to reddit. While I, personally, no longer want to support reddit, only a tiny fraction of reddit’s user base has made the switch to Lemmy, and if you go over to reddit right now, not much has changed. Posts are still getting orders of magnitude more interactions than posts here. Some mods will leave but people will eagerly replace them. I also think Lemmy is inherently a little difficult to understand. I’m pretty tech savvy and I had issues figuring it out. The average user is going to struggle a lot which is bad for becoming more widespread.
The ui code can be reused so a lot of the polish can be ported over. I don’t care for Lemmy to get as big as Reddit. I want it to get bigger than it is now but once you got a critical mass extra users don’t make the community any better.
I disagree. The obscure subs is what I really loved about reddit. Subreddits based on niche hobbies have a much wider userbase from reddit to pull from while you won’t have nearly as many people over here. Overall I’m looking forward to seeing Lemmy grow some more but I think lacking active discussion in some of the more niche communities will make it a little more boring for me than reddit was.
Fuck yeah! I was so sad to uninstall Sync, can’t wait to have the same experience but for Lemmy! Thanks for your work, I’ll gladly pay for pro again
Absolutely. Not even a question. Sync on Android has been better than Apollo on iOS in my experience
+1 on this!
Even if I use Lemmy less than Reddit, Sync has earned my respect enough for another purchase, I know Lemmy is in heavy flux, hope this doesn’t dampen your efforts ^_°
Sync was amazing, it will continue to be amazing. I’m 100% buying the Pro version again.
Really excited for this, how have you found working with the Lemmy API’s compared to Reddit’s?
Only reddit app I’ve ever used. Can’t wait for the Lemmy version!
24k!? Dang. I’m really hoping that contributes to the activity over here. Lemmy provides a similar enough experience that, as long as the people come, it’ll be comparable to Reddit for sure.
One question I’ve been curious about: is your goal to make Sync for Lemmy as close as possible to the same experience as Sync for Reddit, minus any changes that are inherently different between Reddit and Lemmy?
He mentioned SfL will be the SfR app but working for Lemmy. Same UI basically