if you want to post links or discuss Reddit over the next while, please localize it to this thread in order to keep things tidy, thanks! (a more formal body may be forthcoming, but that’ll come in the morning if so)
First post! I just want to drop a hint to anyone else coming from Apollo — I just installed wefwef.app and, despite the weird name, it is insanely close to an exact replica. I’m honestly surprised a PWA can work this well.
RISE LEMMYWhere does one find wefwef? A quick search didn’t give me anything obvious, and it’s not on the app store
Ah, right — try wefwef.app, and be sure to install to your Home Screen to get the full benefits of the PWA capabilities (check the settings tab, or if on iOS, tap the “share” icon in safari and select that option).
Updated my original comment with the link as well.
Its not a native app, basically an alternative web view, that you can add to your homescreen
I’m using wefwef now, coming off of using Reddit Sync, and it’s delightfully intuitive. I’m super bummed about reddit imploding, but hey, at least we have a new place.
It’s like how every time there’s a group chat, it spontaneously spawns a new, smaller group chat “without the annoying people”.
Yes, using this right now and it’s helping me feel like I’m still on Reddit. :)
I can’t get it to load any comments :(
That is much more likely to be a problem with your server, not the PWA, simply because it is just a client-side web app. Are you on one of the large servers? I’m hearing they’re struggling to service the influx of users.
Although, I suppose it could be exacerbated by the app potentially requesting more from your server than the basic lemmy frontend does.
Just got my push notification from Sync. “It’s been a hell of a ride.”
It actually hurt my soul a little to hit that uninstall button. Maybe I’ll try the Lemmy version when LJ makes it public. Don’t know. Kind of liking the alternatives purely because it feels like a fresh start without the reddit baggage.
I was up-to-date on everything and knew 3rd party apps were shutting down, but it still felt like it wasn’t going to happen. One of those ‘oh surely they won’t let it get that far’ moments, but nope. Poof. All gone.
I’m struggling to do it too man ;_; I don’t want to let go… I want reddit to come to its senses. After all the shit we’ve been through in the past 4 years, this is like a swift kick right in the ribs while we were already curled up on the ground in agony.
I don’t know how to accept this “reality”…
Got the notification as well :(. Haven’t been on it since lemmy but it was still a sad feeling. I’ll definitely be trying out sync for lemmy when its released.
Bought the full version like 10 years ago because, funnily enough I didn’t want ads when browsing Reddit.
I’m loving the organized chaos over here better.
I’m not uninstalling rif. It’s going to sit there until I get a new phone.
RIF no longer showing content for me :( It’s over. 6 years of being my most used app on my phone
Same. It just says 429 for me. I can’t believe it’s really gone!
Same seeing 429 😢
Rest In Pieces reddit
Same here. I tried a few times past midnight but there it went. End of an era - gonna be one hell of a difficult habit to go cold turkey on. Hopefully Lemmy can fill the void…
Same here, went dark as I was scrolling. Guess that’s it for me on Reddit in any kind of meaningful way.
Same, it’s been such a big part of my life. Thought I would have more time with it today :'(
And now RiF is just memories. I hope Beehaw and the Fediverse grow and become something great
Fuck Spez
Unsure if this is off-topic for this thread so feel free to delete if that’s the case.
/r/firefox now looks like this.
I can’t help but love when subreddits do this in response to the threat of removing mods if they stay private. I remember there were some that were posting “sexy” pics of John Oliver. iPhone was limited to posting “sexy” pics of Tim Cook. Working with what they have in order to continue their protests. I like it😁
It has malicious compliance written all over it 🙃
It forces Reddit’s hand even more IMO; if you start forcing a sub to stay on a certain topic by admin order (and not by mod’s / community “owner” choice), it really sets a weird tone for the community
If admins want to force certain subs to stay on certain topics, they can moderate them by their own f#ckin’ selves.
oh, the teddit thing looks neat, like a perfect backhand slap. good enough to just see and not interacting. I didn’t know how much history on reddit until I run the power delete suite script, it just keeps going. 9 years sure has a lot of stuff on it. XD
Yep, Teddit works well for me because I don’t have a Reddit account. It’s quick and privacy respecting. I think I may have found it through the Privacy Redirect extension for Firefox.
Unfortunately teddit and libreddit rely on the API so many instances may break tomorrow
I think you’re probably correct.
Welp, Sync Pro just went dark for me. Guess I’m done with Reddit.
I’ve already been removed as a mod. Oh no! Anyway…
More time to scroll through Lemmy now.
Relay appears to be attempting to reduce API calls and stay open.
Edit: I just found this patch to use our own API key if Relay gets taken down.
Why bother honestly
There are three possibilities.
- The developer thinks maybe they can make this work. Maybe there’s a combination of a lower limit of API calls and an upper limit of what people are willing to pay for their app that will let them keep going.
- The developer’s lawyer recommended that to sue reddit for destroying their livelihood they would need to demonstrate that they had tries with the new system and it wasn’t feasible in order to make their case stronger
- The developer wants to take advantage of the third party landscape being just them now
Personally I think the first one is the most likely. It seems naive and bound for failure. But its also the least conspiracy theory and doesn’t assume malice
The developer’s lawyer recommended that to sue reddit for destroying their livelihood they would need to demonstrate that they had tries with the new system and it wasn’t feasible in order to make their case stronger
Not sure how you get a cause of action for someone else’s business decisions messing with your business, as a general rule. How would that work? I’m legitimately curious.
I agree, I’m OK to let that website die. We really are ready for decentralization and we just need to deal with the growing pains. But it will happen eventually.
Doesn’t matter, paid will due shortly after people realize there’s no NSFW content. Not just porn, everything flagged NSFW won’t show up at all. Everything from AMA to TV show discussions will be impacted.
I’m pretty sure reddit said explicitly that everything marked NSFW will not be filtered out.
They also said they won’t force subs to reopen
Yeah, that’s fair. And they also said earlier this year that they won’t change anything about the API in at least a few years.
Spez has already said that doing this {when talking about Apollo} is “not allowed”, so likely this method will get blocked or your account will get banned. You’re here now so IMO it doesn’t matter
Why wouldn’t it be allowed? They don’t want to deal with billing a bunch of people?
Because the goal was to ban third party apps and they don’t want people trying to dodge it. u/spez seems to be personally offended by their existence and wants them gone.
Couldn’t have said it better myself
There’s also a patch for Sync for reddit, apparently you can use your own API key and app name. I’ll give it a look once sync stops working tomorrow.
Now we just need someone to find the api key used by the official app …
Well the official app uses a new internal (graphql iirc) API, so that would be nice but it wouldn’t really work as easily as that.
Open-source app Slide also stopped working today. Goodbye reddit, hello Lemmy. I’m still getting used to the UI of Connect, but I’m glad there’s something to fill the void. May Beehaw grow into something great!
My friend mentioned Reddit is Fun is shut down now. Sad day 😔
I didn’t really follow the recent “drama” (for lack of a better term), but I’m glad it came about because it created a lot of buzz on hackernews about reddit alternatives which got me to check out the Fediverse (kbin/lemmy), and a few other alternatives. I really like the look and feel of Discuit, but it’s inevitable for it to become essentially another digg v4/reddit 2.0 clone because apart from a nice UI and the creator/owner not being a dick, it’s still a centralised forum that will limit or censor discussion at the whims of the owner in the end. I don’t want that.
I’ve been using bacon reader for 9 years. I keep wanting to feel sad that it’s my last day on Reddit* but I really don’t. *I’ll probably check in sometimes at home as long as I can use old Reddit. But honestly my only time to read it has been during the day during downtime at work. I get home and have much better things to do then sit on Reddit.
Same here, loved BaconReader, (not sire why it’s not mentioned that often)
got the message popup yesterday ;-(
But you are right, might be a good moment to detox a bitAlso old Baconreader user. Really hope it comes to Lemmy. But didn’t seem like it.
I feel the same way now that I did when I quit World of Warcraft, and started playing Final Fantasy XIV. My favourite app is gone, destroyed by greed.
I’m hoping Lemmy can do for me what Final Fantasy did.
Relay is still working for me, including NSFW content: