Imho a decision that doesn’t make sense, Google already has paid for all the infrastructure so running the service to them is pure profit, not to mention the lost possibility to upsell Google workspace (paid gmail with a custom domain) or Google cloud services to all their customers.
Although I would never subscribe to something from Google for my business, then when they eventually change mind and kill my product, i have to migrate in an hurry. I’ve been hurted too many times
No Google service can last. I’ve come to the point where I no longer trust any new product they put out.
Yeah, I need to switch to another authenticator app because I’m not sure I even trust that at this point.
Edit: love this community, say I’m looking to switch and I get a plethora of suggestions within the hour lol
You can try Aegis, it’s great
You will find some good options here
Yeah, imagine that. CEO makes unpopular decision, alienates loads of users, and triggers mass migration. Couldn’t happen. /s
Sorry, this was a reply to someone elsewhere, but testing out Mlem and it ended up as a top level comment. Wonder if this one will too…
no, this one went to the right spot
Google still sells domains through GCP. I think this is just removing a duplicate service.
So it’s even worse? They still have to maintain the infrastructure but at the same time have less customers
Knowing Google, they likely had all that infrastructure duplicated, not reused between GCP and Google Domains.