I got my hands on MPEG-V standard documents which lets me inject “SEM” (sensory effect metadata) inside .mp4 files which would let me program real world stuff on cues like lights, chair movements, water sprays, etc. So literally if I had a NAS with a hoard of movies and bought the right equipment, i could make 4DX at home.
There’s an effect description named “scent”, which would, obviously, spray some aromatizer or something in the room. I checked out the standard list of scents that can be applied. There are scents like rose, lavender, mint, apples, mixed herbs, but i came across an interesting one which is the one i’m asking for.
Scent of dragons breath
Describes the scent of dragons breath
Maybe this is a weird reason to ask this… I really want to know out of curiosity if this “dragon breath” would be some specific mix of herbs or incense or any kind of room spray. I sense it would kind of be an artificial scent… but idk… really… Would it really work if i coded a “Home 4DX” version of the Hobbit movies?
Sulphur is what comes to mind.
This is the real answer. Sulfur Dioxide would basically eliminate any other odors. I’m thinking ozone would be a possible addition, along with whatever that metallic smell is, but nothing biological, no rot, etc.
It’s not the real answer because dragons aren’t real lmfao
If dragons aren’t real, how come you see them in popular media so much? where do the film makers get them? Oh, they used a computer to make them?
Sounds like dragon denier talk
This reminded me of an interesting fact I heard like 15 years ago: apparently, dragon-like animals show up in folklore across the world in areas with no native reptile species often enough to be considered an anomaly.
Hmm. What areas? AFAIK they’re on all the same continents as humans, and a few species get as far north as places like Canada. I guess Ireland famously has no snakes, so maybe there. I’d expect northern Canada and Ireland could both get dragon myths by import from distant lands.
So, that’s my attempt at an explanation.
It was 15 years ago or so that I heard that in a TV show, so I don’t really remember any specifics, but I think it would mostly be isolated islands and the like, as I think Hawaii is another place with no native reptile species. Imported myths from other places would be my guess as well.
Not with that attitude they aren’t.
Then I guess we also don’t have to think about how they sound or look like, since they are not real no one will want to use that information…
The point is that it can be whatever we want it to be! It’s fire magic!
Admittedly, I was just being tongue in cheek in the first place
Nice. Even considering that “sulphur” is not an entry on the scent list i got. I guess that could work out
That’s more like demons, though.
Typical description is hot rotten meat. It’s not like they have dragon sized toothbrushes.
Isn’t that what the brush on spartan helmets is for?
Real answer here. It can’t be too gross if you want people watching your movie, though.
My guess is dragons breath is produced by a combination of two glands that produce chemicals that are hypergolic. This is seen in nature in bombardier beetles (which use hydroquinone + hydrogen peroxide).
The smell would certainly depend on the combination of chemicals, but a hot burnt and charred smells are probably common to all possibilities. The unburnt chemicals are likely to be irritants, being either strong oxidizers or reducers.
Overall, even after the main blaze has cooled, I would expect the area (and downwind) to be unsafe for humans and respiratory issues for those exposed to the remnants.
Hey, this is a unironically a very good answer regarding “real” dragons. Although, the cinema scent would hopefully not be an airway irritant.
Kinda like in Reign of Fire
Without any real technical answer, dragons breath should be sharp, warm, and smokey, but not so much that you think there’s a fire in the building. Maybe the smell of slightly burnt, very seasoned meat?
You could hook it up to a toaster and turn the setting up depending on intensity.
Depends on the color dragon
It actually doesn’t really matter which smell you use. The important part is that you install a small, persistent flame in front of the diffuser. That turns any aroma into dragon’s breath.
What does dragon breath smell like?
first in the morning when you wake up, blow air out your mouth to your palms, and then go ahead and smell it.
that’s what dragon breath smells like.
Better yet, lick the back of your palm, blow on it to dry, then smell.
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hardest upvote I ever had to give
Vinegar, Gasoline and Rotten Meat
The only dragon’s breath I’m aware of are incendiary shotgun rounds.
You mean rocket launcher?
There is a type of shotgun shell that spits a stream of fire when fired.
Impending death.
Would it really work if i coded a “Home 4DX” version of the Hobbit movies?
Are there ways to obtain and refill this pallete of smells and connect them to a home cinema? I guess it would work if you have the hardware and the juice for it.
I imagine dragon’s breath is not unlike a coal furnace, or a chain smoker.
In a software level, it is easy to time effects like smells in a video file thanks to the information i found. The hard thing is to program the hardware.
You are into assembling and instructing that hardware yourself?
Was this added for the shrek 4D movie thing? I saw that in an amusement park once. The dragon sneezes in your face.
That list sounds like the General MIDI of smells to me.
Exactly. The actual name is “ScentCS”
Do you happen to still have the link to the standard?
I don’t know if sending download links to copyrighted stuff is allowed but i can tell you it’s in the Miner’s Hut forum. But it requires login to see the dl links.
Dragon’s breath is a pretty common name for incense scents, but it seems to vary a bit between different brands. The only common ingredient I saw was that most of them have musk or “white musk”