I saw this on Mastodon posted by @infobeautiful@vis.social and figured that it was appropriate for this community and absolutely not controversial in any way shape or form.
Option 3: Upsetting all of the English speaking world by pronouncing it to rhyme with pony.
I have to also admit, as an American i imagine a scone as a little triangular cake, so I laughed looking at those Popeye’s biscuits floating in the corner of the image.
Popeye’s biscuits with raisins in them.
How about “one”? Scwun.
äs a svid aj shör låv mi såm skånes
As an American I wasn’t even aware there was a divide in the pronunciation of scone. I think pretty much all Americans pronounce it to rhyme with cone.
As it should be!
Runs away from the incoming ire of the ‘gone’ crew.
It’s pronounced ‘scone’
It’s too late, he s’gone.
Oh crumbs!
That’s a mf biscuit
ex pat in the deep south: I have had both.
They are similar but different enough you cannot interchangeably use them.
“ok what’s it like then”
eating a slightly different bread product
“different how”
in flavour and texture
Well now I need to try me a scone.
I had biscuits and gravy on my last trip to the States. Scones are very different. Much fluffier. Mostly the scones I’ve had have fruit in them too.
Edit: our gravy is nothing like the one I got served either
The biscuits you had were fluffier. I promise we have biscuits that are ‘scone-like’.
Fair enough. I was quite happy with the biscuits I had. They fit the gravy nicely as a more savoury dish. I wouldn’t have liked scones with what I had.
biscuits are hard and snappable, what’s pictured is an english muffin.
i agree that this isn’t a scone though, scones are… doughier? like, an english muffin has the elasticity of bread, while scones are way denser and not elastic.
That is absolutely not an English muffin. I’m simply stating that we call that a biscuit in America.
If I’m reading this correctly it’s saying about 1 in 4 people in Dublin pronounce it like “gone” and that is absolutely false. Never once have I ever heard that pronunciation here.
edit: I’d be curious how other English speaking countries pronounce it.
Reading through replies it seems Americans are cone heads while Aussies are gone. Fascinating.
Oh christ here we go again.
Just be thankful I didn’t open up a can of bread rolls/buns/baps.
Thought this looked familiar
The bottom of that map is more orange than I was expecting. I’m surprised at the blue patch north of England. I always associated cone scone with the posher south.
Now you’ve gone and started the “where counts as north?” thing too! You absolute monster.
The UK quite often sees words switch around in how posh they are. This is because most people want to sound posher than they really are, while the actual posh people have nothing to prove and want to seem down-to-earth. See U and non-U English.
I’m thinking that in Hull they surely say “scurn”, so maybe they say “curn” for cone?
They do in Scarborough, I’d wager it’s similar in Hull also.
Saw it claimed somewhere that Queen Liz 2 said it rhyming with “gone”, so it’s not really class. According to the map Bradford, where I grew up, is an absolute fault-line on this issue.
That picture looks like an American biscuit. We put white sausage gravy on top and call it “biscuits and gravy.”
Outside of America, a “biscuit” is what you guys call a “cookie”.
Which is pretty close to what they are! Although iirc biscuits are somewhat more crumbly
At least you all agree on how to pronounce it, though. You (presumably) have no idea how deep the divide goes, UK-wise!
That sounds horrendous, white sausage gravy alone sounds like boiled sausages juice.
It’s actually really good, just nothing like you’d expect from the name. I was curious about it and ordered it on a trip there. Very heavy meal but very tasty.
“boiled sausage juice” 🤤🤤
Sausage gravy uses pan drippings from cooking ground breakfast sausage to create a bechamel sauce. It’s usually then flavored with black pepper. Breakfast sausage is also often flavored with sage. From what I understand American-style breakfast sausage isn’t really a thing in the UK so it might be difficult to picture the flavor profile.
There are some pretty sharp divisions in Ireland it seems. Bonniconlon looks to be holding out as a ‘gone’ stronghold in the top corner of Mayo for example.
Its well known that The Troubles and separation of North Ireland were caused by the scone debate.
This is interesting. In Australia we only ever pronounce it rhyming with gone.
I wouldn’t say it rhymes with gone, but it’s very close. For me, “gone” would be /gɒːn/, while “scone” would be /skɒn/. The difference being the length of the vowel.
They’re the same vowel sound in my accent.
Where’s my underappreciated, but definitely real “cone rhymes with gone, but not with scone” gang?
Quite interesting that there’s a north/south split in Yorkshire. Anyone from there able to confirm if that’s a divide that applies in other less important fields than scones?
And there’s the place, Scone.
If gone and cone ryme how do you process this map?
In what dialect do those two words rhyme?
Rural mid Atlantic.
Never had an ice cream conn?