Being able to use “I’m 60” to complain about everything and use it as an excuse to get out of things I don’t want to do
This guy 60s
Livin the dream
You know what, I’m gonna say this too even though I’m not that age yet.
“Why is your rizz so bad?” “Shit sorry I’m 60”
I have a test to become an air traffic controller coming up in December. If I pass I’ll have the interview and school to look forward to next year.
That’s awesome, good luck!
Thanks! right now I’m so nervous I’m nauseous some times…
Looks like you picked the wrong day to stop sniffin glue
lol … make sure to take a tube of glue with you to work every day … just so you can use this joke from time to time … but don’t actually sniff the glue tho (especially if you are managing my flight)
Finding employment
The job market has been unbelievably brutal this last year
Same. Specifically, remote employment.
Well, good luck to us 💪
Same. Lucky enough to find something part time but there’s so many people applying for everything it’s crazy. Best of luck!
- At work - recruiting another team member, so we are not all constantly plate spinning and I might actually have chance to spend time planning.
- At home - finally getting the pictures etc up on the walls.
- Nationally - voting the Tories out.
come out, maybe?
Hope it goes well!
Hopefully putting myself out there more. I have a spinning and weaving guild that I’ve joined, but I’ve been too burnt out to go to any of the meetings. 😓
You go to that, I’ll go to the cross stitch group I’ve been avoiding out of general nervousness. Deal?
Deal. 💙
2024 we are coming to conquer you!
Ok, then I check upon you in a month.
Being able to say “oh that was x+1 years ago” instead of “x years ago” when reflecting on all my past traumas.
I hope that orange bastard Trump goes to prison or dies in 2024. I prefer prison because he needs to pay for his crimes, but dead is good too. The only thing is it would have to be a really dumb accident out in public so there wouldn’t be any conspiracy theories. Maybe he could fall off the stairs while getting off his plane and crack his skull on the tarmac.
People debate whether we landed on the moon - one of the wisest watched televised events ever. I would be surprised if a Livestream of him doing just that would be enough to avoid dozens of conspiracy theories.
Paying off the last of my credit card debt.
Same here. Had a car unexpectedly die and the new car lease messed up our financial plans. Should have our CC debt paid off by the end of next year.
The new Dune film.
Do we know who’s playing the emperor yet? I’m hoping for either Sting or Christopher Walken.
Christopher Walker confirmed to be playing the Emperor, while Sting will have a surprise cameo role playing himself.
Wow … you scared me … for some reason this made me wonder if Sting was still alive or not … I never worry about Walken, he’ll out last us all
Removed by mod
If you want to heal your depression, then your desires are completely out of order…
Let me renumerate and reorder your list.
-Understand that desire or lack of fruition is useless pain, you are in control of desire
-Contemplate why you must escape where you are, where you want to go, why you want to be there, and what you need to do so.
-Obtain certifications or educational notes as they are needed
The rest of the list is needless and will fall into place one way or another. Men think they run to a destination, when most often they run from.
the irish reunionification
Wow, that’d be wild
Finally buying a decent ARM laptop that isn’t a macbook.
What laptop will that be?
Pretty much all the major brands are reportedly going to make laptop models with the Snapdragon X Elite chip, so any one of those really. I’m probably going to buy a Lenovo one since they have a good track record.
Nice. I’m out of the loop
I’ll be watching the market going forward. Let’s see what they come up with
I’m curious to see how this pans out when they start to ship. The hardware looks really promising, but I’m curious about the rollout for software support.
I’m excited to see real benchmarks from shipping laptops with off-the-shelf software.
The hardware isn’t the issue (well, it won’t be much longer) it’s the software that doesn’t exist that is.
But nobody on the software side will take porting to arm seriously if the hardware doesn’t exist. Some essentials like browsers and the adobe suite got ported to arm already but as soon as there’s an actual audience lots more people will bother putting out arm builds.
Trading in my Kia for a new (non Hyundai/Kia) car so I can stop being stressed of coming out to an empty parking spot in the morning.
Do you have a club?
Yup. Also had the security update done. The club is honestly a little more effective as it’s a visual deterrent, as thieves won’t know of the security update until they’ve already broken in. On the other hand, it’s a visual confirmation as well that your car is susceptible.
The new ones (post like ‘18 or ‘19) don’t have that issue I thought? You don’t see reports of Tellurides being stolen, it’s all 2010 forte shitboxes
Some of the 2020 and 2021 base models (key ignition) are still affected. It’s only on the 2022+ models where all trims have immobilizers as standard. Really dumb move by Hyundai/Kia to save a couple of bucks per vehicle. I otherwise love my car, but this issue and the “solution” they put out made sure I will never buy from them again.
A miracle keeping the orange fuhrer out of politics and news, perhaps a conviction with actual time to be served. I know, I’m calling for a miracle as I said.