After everything that’s happened the last few years I didn’t think I could be surprised by any headlines any more… but “bird sniffing is not a crime” are a set of words I never expected to see out together in a sentence.
I hate that the image makes me want to sniff a bird now. WTF brain.
There’s, um, a lemmy for this sort of thing out there for you. If you don’t ask, I won’t tell.
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A gentleman does not sniff and tell
Seems vindictive complaint to police from a local shooter who dislikes Packham. He was handling them to be weighed and ringed as a part of the a conservation license, a quick sniff check is not going to give me hem anymore distress.
Absolutely. He apparently doesn’t like environmentalists and probably blames them for the laws that say he can’t shoot any wildlife he likes.
I have no idea what this is about, but seeing this in my feed made me bust out laughing. I love how random and weird lemmy can be at times.
Hey, American here browsing all…
What the absolute hell is this talking about?
Packham is a popular environmentalist and animal lover who has presented loads of fantastic shows over the years. Someone’s made a complaint about him having a sniff of a chick when checking them, but they appear to have had little else to do that day
Man the next time I go to the UK I’m going to tell the passport guy that I’m going to sniff the birds and see what he says.
Then when he raises and eyebrow follow it up with “They don’t let us sniff chicks in the US anymore ever since that whole me too” 😎
He don’t love pandas.
Panda hate is a common thing in conservation circles. Money on conservation that is spent on Panda could be effectively used elsewhere etc.
Pandas: the poster-child for an evolutionary cul-de-sac
Yeah, but the way they fall out of trees onto their heads is just too cute!
Is that why they are so poorly treated in western zoos that multiple died and multiple more almost died and had to be evacuated back to China? Cause there’s no denying those pandas were abused horrifically, and I just couldn’t understand why.
Which Fox News did you see that report on mate? 😂
Haha, you know we wish our national scandals were this benign!
That’s an … unusual headline, to say the least.
I don’t always agree with Chris, but he does get a lot of unneeded shite from the right wingers, so he has my sympathy on that.
Hampshire Police has written to the man who complained – an amateur shooting enthusiast who does not want to be named
Gee I wonder why. Possibly because it’s coming up to Halloween and they’re concerned about having their shit attitude come back on them and the Porsche that they definitely own.
sniffing birds sounds like an 80s night out in swindon
oh God. Flashbacks of the Brunel Rooms…
I figure if Packham’s sniffing a bird there’s probably a very good reason for him to be doing so.
Massive respect for the guy.
There’s always a Karen waiting for you.
A “shooting enthusiast”, no less…
What a headline
Wait, this isn’t ! !