it’s not worth the effort
I love helix, it’s so easy to configure, sane defaults and it feels just right!
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I played around with it a little today, it’s actually really nice, I still suck at vim, but the menu popups make me happy. Reminds me of micro a little.
I recently noticed that micro is getting more powerful. It seems to have some LSP support now.
Does this support extensions? Things like copilot and git diff plugins…?
No, there isn’t a plugin system. Things like LSP support are builtin and it uses external LSP server binaries that must be installed on your system.
It is like this in the beginning but you come out the other end actually knowing how to change your editor to be what you want.
To me, neovim made it really fun to edit code again, and I spent months with it, learning lua from scratch, even wrote plugins for it that got popular.
The shortcuts makes it really easy to jump around in code fast and all the different plugins feels like getting constant upgrades. :)
sorry I will not be tricked again into this bs editor, life is too short to configure vim
IDK honestly hacked together a config over the weekend and have been using it for a couple months now. Definitely not perfect but it works pretty nicely. Occasionally use Helix as my backup editor, but eventually I just learned to live with my “good enough” config.
(Seriously, a lot of configs are pretty bloated. Not every little thing really needs to be optimized…)
I really want to go back to neovim just to create “my editor” on top of it from scratch, maybe by the end of the year
That’s why I use emacs. It just works.
(just kidding, I use nano because it’s “good enough”)
You freak…
I can tell you, my productivity is on never-seen-before heights.
Just not specifying if in positive or negative
1.2e-10 to 1.3e-10 range
kickstart.nvim is one of the configs of all time
I can also contest that this is a config
Have you ever tried changing anything substantial in any other editor? It’s a nightmare if you want a custom experience.
skill issue
It can be worth the effort, if the tool fit your needs and wants in the first place.
I tried. Going through that loop convinced neovim is not an ide. It’s a means by which someone who wants to build an ide can build one.
If you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to build an ide, like me, it’s not for you.
I felt this 😢
that is accurate
Jetbrains junkie here. What do you need a terminal Editor for?