Back again with another question thread looking for alternatives for my two most important apps that’ll make me switch to Linux+Android:

Is there anything like PastePal on Linux with an Android app? The biggest thing about PastePal is that it lets me create a catalogue of text/images snippets that I can call up at any time on MacOS with CMD + Shift + V

The best part about it is that on iOS, I can use their custom keyboard and paste anything from my snippets library from the keyboard in places that don’t usually allow you to paste text.

The app will sync everything I’ve copied on my Mac and make it available on my phone/iPad via either the app snippet library or the keyboard.

This is probably functionality that would be right up KDE Connect’s alley to implement if it doesn’t already exist.

    92 months ago

    KDE Connect can get you most of the way there, unfortunately you won’t be able to auto sync the clipboard from the phone to the PC due to an Android limitation (the other way around works instead), but you can still manually send it over. For example, to make it easier to access, I added the tile for sending it in the quick settings

    32 months ago

    Like you mentioned KDE Connect will sync your clipboard between Android and KDE. The KDE clipboard also has a history and you can run actions on clipboard entries which is super handy. I’m not sure about this snippets library, sounds like a permanent clipboard history that you can search, where the KDE one just keeps the last X copied things. I’d rather have my phone keyboard learn words I type a lot personally.

    • HorseyOP
      12 months ago

      sounds like a permanent clipboard history that you can search

      that’s exactly what PastePal is, and what I’m looking for

        52 months ago

        You can configure the kde clipboard manager to never delete things or keep a higher amount of things. That is how I have mine setup.

    22 months ago

    I use cliphist with rofi. This hyprland wiki has a few wayland cliboard recommendations. Clipse is also good if you don’t like how rofi or similar stuff look. But they won’t sync fully with kdeconnect. Only the last copied will sync.

  • HorseyOP
    2 months ago

    in my searching I found XClipper, but unfortunately it’s windows only on the PC side