What do you secretly, and weiredly enjoy doing? We will not judge 😊
Bam! You’ve been weir-ed.
Weiredly mesmerizing
I’m a man and wear a skirt, that’s not the deal. But when nobody is around, I start spinning. It’s such a great feeling!
That’s not weird, that’s cool lol
🤣 now i really wanna do this LMAO
I kinda wish skirts for men could be a more popular thing. They seem comfy and convenient
“gotta let the balls breathe” 🤣
Well, someone has to start, so… Be the change you want to see^^
They don’t have to be “for men”. You can just wear whatever you want :)
They’re called kilts and they’ve been popular for ages in Scotland
Dress go spinny!
Just skirts or kilts as well?
Just skirts. To get a kilt would be somehow difficult for me & it’s not something I would really want, so…
Go for walks in the middle of the night. Like in a residential neighborhood, or an industrial district. It’s just so peaceful.
Middle of the night walks are amazing. It’s so quiet
That’s the only time I can walk my dogs in my neighborhood. Too many people have their dogs off leash.
I like getting “worked on”, I guess you could say? Like… I like going to the dentist, for example. Anything that kinda hurts but is for my own good, and involves just staying still on a chair/table while somebody else takes care of it.
Being forced to keep perfectly still while my jaw is cranked open and someone scrapes away at my teeth is oddly relaxing. I literally almost fell asleep once.
I’m able to fall asleep during an MRI scan.
I fell asleep while getting fillings. They woke me up at the end.
Haircuts are another one that puts me straight to sleep.
Woa… Lol
Damn… you lucky. I need heavy sedation just to get my anxiety under control, or at least tamped down
That means you’re the dentist’s favorite, makes it easy for them.
Updating software. Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Phone (sniff!) among others.
I’m like this too. Watching the update progress bar complete is like peeling those plastic things off of new phones, TVs etc.
Yeah. I like the defragmenting tool in the past too.
deleted by creator
I miss my Windows Phones everyday…
That’s a reasonable thing to do from a security standpoint.
Do you feel it’s akin to showering or more like healing infected wounds?
It’s… relaxing….
I talk to my dog while walking. “Do you want to go this way or that? Don’t go in there, that’s not our garden. Hey look, doggies! Shall we go and say hello? It’s ok, don’t be frightened, it’s a cement mixer, it won’t hurt you. Oh, are we going home now?”
Talking to your pet is supposed to be weird? Wait … am I weird?
My cat says not to worry-- it’s normal.
I talk to my animals a lot. Also inanimate objects. If I sit a bag on my car I may tell the soda not to roll around and point at it warningly.
Oh man, I have a constant dialogue with my dogs when we go for a walk. To be honest, I do a fair bit of talking to them at home too.
I like wearing my wetsuit when I’m alone, sometimes I even sleep in it. I like the look and feel of neoprene.
Neoprene can be quite cozy. A lot of people like it! I just wish it didn’t have that strong smell as much.
I microwave my ice cream. Not until it’s completely melted, but till there is just the right mix of melty and firm. Even better is eating microwaved ice cream in the middle of winter while cuddled under and electric blanket. Pure bliss!
As a kid, I liked to turn my ice cream into an actual creamy texture by repeatedly stabbing it with my spoon.
I looked like a maniac doing it, but the result is great
I was a dumb kid, went for the same consistency in the grossest way possible, which was putting spoonfuls in my mouth, spitting it back into the bowl and mixing it in. One day an older friend saw that, horrified. Told me to just stir the ice cream for a while instead and I stopped with the saliva ice cream shenanigans from then on.
Kids aren’t the smartest sometimes, you and me both certainly weren’t exempt from that rule
But you had the right idea. I mean hey, it’s called ice cream for a reason, no?
Woa. Will definitely try this
I have a phobia of partially melted ice cream…
This would be a special kind of hell for me…
You monster.
I wholeheartedly disagree with microwaving it though. It changes the flavor.
I eat strawberries whole. The green part and all
Wow, i eat oranges like tangerine
The green part is awful on its own but it makes the strawberry as a whole taste so much better.
I’ll go first…
perfect, smoooth fart… And the lightness that follows after… Very Soothing
Walking around naked
For me, sleeping naked 🤣
I’m not sure that is weird?
Definitely not weird. I know a lot of people who sleep naked.
I’ve been sleeping naked for 20 years
Wow, and here I am struggling to sleep for 8 hours.
Ahahah. Made me laugh. Thank you.
Damn you need to wake up. You’re lemmying in your sleep now.
Aww man, you’re telling me I’m just a figment of someone’s imagination?! ☹️
That’s intermediate level. I’ve been sleeping naked for 30 years.
That’s intermediate level.
Ooh there are levels now 😂
Being naked is underrated.
Lately, I’ve been going to nude beaches and resorts with friends. Felt weird for the first 15 minutes or so, then feels rather normal. Upsides are no tanlines and no wet bathingsuits. Downsides are that you go through a surprising amount of sunscreen.
If I lived close to one, I’d definitely being going
That’s not weird.
It is when you do it at the supermarket, airport or shopping mall!
Well I’ve spent the last three days thoroughly entranced by the World Jigsaw Puzzle Championship, which it turns out is a thing. So idk, maybe that?
I was just wondering what to do today so… thank you.
It’s the most technologically lacking sporting event with the most clueless commentators who don’t even know the rules. But it’s wholesome af regardless.
Sometimes when I get pissed off at life I go do a little sky screamimg. Basically I go out in my lawn and yell FUCK or RAAAGGGUUHHH at the sky until I feel better. Benefits of living in the country, nieghbors haven’t said shit.
Well, I wouldn’t call out the guy next door screaming profanity either. Don’t mess with crazy!
neighbours haven’t said shit.
Probably too scared.
“FollyDolly’s out screaming again. I’m gonna say something!”
“No, don’t. It’ll be more trouble than what it’s worth.”
“They’re scaring the children!”
“And what if they come back with a knife? What then, Karen?”
“Ok, but I’m writing it in my FollyDolly Scream Journal for evidence.”
Look nerdy videos of people doing nerdy stuff, that I will never do myself.
Also, doing system updates
listening, and singing along, to Ke$ha.
I wish I could say that in 2023 people would be past judging others for “basic music taste” but I still see people on the internet shitting on artists like Katy Perry. It’s okay to not like an artist, but it’s not bad music, it’s definitively good and well made.
Ke$ha is a persona she puts on, and she has catchy music! Be proud of that shit!