Name an animal (or several) you like and mention why you like it. No wrong answers!

  • Skua
    53 months ago

    Crows. They’re incredibly intelligent and seem to have settled on using that intelligence almost solely to be little mischief gremlins. They’re the only kind of bird that seems to understand that my cat can’t get to them through the window. I watch them work in pairs to steal food from seagulls - one goes in for an obvious attempt, all the seagulls chase it off, the other grabs a bite while the gulls are distracted, and then they swap roles. I’ve even seen one actively dipping chips (fries) into a pot of ketchup. In winter you can very occasionally spot them playing in the snow. They’ll intentionally slide down a snowy car windshield or roof, then fly back up to the top to do it again.

    I volunteered at a greyhound rescue shelter for a little while, where there was a rook (very close relative to crows, distinguishable by their paler beaks). He had been hit by a car years beforehand and the owners of the shelter found him at the side of the road. They took him to a vet, who had to amputate one of his wings, so obviously he couldn’t live wild any more. He was instead having a comfy life hanging out at the shelter. Totally unafraid of the humans or the dogs. When I sat down to have my lunch next to him he would yell at me to share a biscuit with him.

    • astrsk
      33 months ago

      Crows are so badass. They mess with shitty species like seagulls and blue jays while leaving alone other animals and birds. I once watched a group of crows chase away a blue jay that was harassing a squirrel who was trying to eat some treats it was given by a neighbor. The crows didn’t even take the squirrels treats either. Just chased the jay out and then stood around on fences and trees while the squirrel came out of hiding again to eat. Just incredible!

  • Count Regal Inkwell
    43 months ago

    I love pretty much every animal depending on how I’m feeling that day.

    So here’s one pick from each major category I can think of:

    • Cnidarian: Portuguese Man-o-war. I just think they’re neat.
    • Worm: Leeches. They look cool.
    • Mollusk: Blue-ringed octopus. Dangerous boios with pretty colours
    • Arthropod: Ants. Eusocial insects are so cool!
    • Fish: No
    • Amphibian: Any large toad. They look funny.
    • Reptile: Tegu, they’re like the cats of reptiles.
    • Bird: Corvids in general. Crows, ravens, etc. Playful smart cuties.
    • Mammal: So many choices… But I’ll go with Raccoons. They have grabby little hands and funny lil’ masks. They are ADORABLE.
  • Drusas
    33 months ago

    Octopuses. So alien, so neat, and so smart.

    22 months ago

    Sea horses look fascinating. And I just like aquatic animals in general. We haven’t even explored most of the deep ocean yet!

    23 months ago

    nautilus I love the way they look and move. I’d keep a tank of them but don’t want them to go blind.

    They’re so ancient evolutionary speaking that their eyes are sensors behind a hole in the shell. They have no way to dilate in response to light and are adapted to deep low light conditions.

    So keeping them in a tank where I could see them would burn their eyes out in a day or two.

  • astrsk
    23 months ago

    Cats - Always had em around, always bond pretty deeply with them. Always seemed to be able to build a language with them and enjoy the mutual respect.

    Crows - Have a small crew that meets me for lunch every day and we just chill and I love watching them playing and throwing unsalted peanuts out for them.

  • 🎨 Elaine Cortez 🇨🇦
    13 months ago

    Cats, whales (hence the whale emoji in my username), and dolphins. Cats are cute fluffy oddballs and cetaceans in general are majestic and intelligent beings. I also like birds because I’ve always had an affinity towards things that can effortlessly soar through the skies…

  • southsamurai
    13 months ago

    Tigers. Because tigers. You don’t need a reason, just look at them.

    Chickens. Mine in particular, but that’s given me an affection for others. They’re about as dumb as bricks, particularly the roosters, but they manage to be endearing anyway. My hen cuddles with me ffs, how can you not like a critter that cuddles?

    The rooster, not so much cuddly. But that pea brained dipshit fought off a coyote, a pit bull, a raccoon, and a possum (though, tbh, the possum wasn’t fighting, it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time). My dude put his ass on the line literally to protect his flock of two. Lost tail feathers and neck feathers to the pit bull, but ran the damn thing off before I could get a clear shot. Same with the coyote, I come running and grab a rifle, but by the time I hit the yard, that coyote was scrambling to get under the fence and away from a furious rooster that was going so hard at the coyote’s ass he broke a spur off.

    How can you not like a bird that damn crazy and tough? He can hump my shoe all he wants. And he does. Daily. And I still like the bugger :)

    I’m also inordinately fond of dogs. For all the usual reasons. As much as I love my birds, if I could still take proper care of a dog, I’d have one. I just can’t, and I love them enough to not have one I can’t do right by. That ain’t the way it works, or it shouldn’t be.

    Hell, I could keep on listing. There really isn’t an animal I don’t like, and there’s a ton I specifically like a lot.

  • baconsanga
    13 months ago

    I love Australian Magpies. They’re smart, cheeky and have a lovely singing voice. I have a family that I’ve watched change over the years, they have babies, some die, some leave and some come back. They visit nearly every day.

      13 months ago

      My father rescued a baby magpie from a dog and it visited him for years. It would sit on his shoulder while he did yard work.

      • baconsanga
        13 months ago

        This is a dream for me, good on your dad. The closest I’ve been is when they sat on the back table with me and would sing.

    • @streetfestival@lemmy.caOP
      13 months ago

      Wow, cool-looking bird! That’s really neat that you’ve seen that family evolve. I’m a city-dweller with not much greenspace access and I yearn to have something like your magpie family relationship in the future!

  • Beacon
    13 months ago

    Meerkat. I got to hold one once, it was so sweet, and it fell asleep in my arms

    13 months ago

    I love cats. My first pet that was all my own was a cat. My first pet abroad was a cat. Now I have three adorable ones. I like their cuteness, sweetness, and that they’re their own animal unlike dogs who can be more needy.

    13 months ago

    Octopuses. They only live about a year, but they are very intelligent. Usually intelligence is found in longer-lived creatures. They are solitary, but form good bonds with humans. They have lots of clever adaptations.

    I really really love them, and I can’t stand seeing people eat them. I’m a omnivore, but it’s like watching someone eat a dolphin or an ape or an elephant. Just wrong.

    13 months ago


    Live for a hundred+ years, and they just kinda vibe on land and do things at their own pace. They’re the turtles who don’t need water. And when you present them with food, they go to town and are single-minded. I can relate to all of that.