I did a poll and nearly 30% of the people who voted said they used Sync! It’s stayed around that percent the whole time too!
EDIT: Here is the poll I forgot to put this here like five times lol https://strawpoll.com/wby5A21R1yA
After reading this I decided to try it out. Within 5 posts there were ads. No thanks, I’ll stick with Connect.
Edit: I was scrolling everything and replied. I didn’t see this was in the official community. My opinion doesn’t matter in here. I think it’s great that sync is successful and I hope it continues. So yea, keep on keeping on.
It’s a single developer that should be paid for his work. You can easily upgrade to the ad free version for a few bucks…
I don’t disagree that they should make some money for their efforts, but isn’t every client for lemmy made by a single developer?
I’ve been using systemwide adblock on all my electronics for years now so I forget that in app ads are a thing. But yeah, I see your point. They do offer a one time purchase to remove ads.
Me too, which makes Sync an endless scroll of black squares where ads should be. No thanks, Connect it is.
You might need a better adblocker. With AdGuard I see an empty box from time to time. It’s in the colour of the background.
That still looks horrible
You can pay to hide it completely.
I know, i would pay for it (as I did buying the reddit pro and dev versions) but I don’t consider that it has a fair price and I don’t support subscription models either.
I’m happy hopping between connect and eternity. Boost beta is coming next week as well, so I’m not worried at all.
Scrolling through those black spaces is for sure a bad user experience for me, but to each his own
It’s good we have plenty of options. I’m going to try Boost as well because it’s the app that really hooked me to reddit and in the end it brought me to lemmy. Although Sync has been so great there’s no guarantee I switch. And if Boost released earlier, I probably wouldn’t even tried Sync. Let’s see them compete. Or collaborate. Or both.
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I’d pay 5ish bucks like I did for RIF, but for now ill just donate to Liftoff or other open dev without ad injection needs. Id rather buy Sync outright for a few bucks than have yet another ad platformed app running.
I use nextdns and I don’t see any blank squares. It just looks like it’s ad free.
I’ve used sync for almost ten years now… I think it’s worth the fee to remove ads. But sure, there are ads.
It’s strange, both on Sync for Reddit and Sync for Lemmy I’ve always seen the space for ads, but never an actual ad showing in that space. So I just get random black spaces between posts
Sync on reddit also inserts ads in image gallerys i think.
Pretty sure you’re right there, Imgur galleries used to contain ads when viewed in Sync
To each their own, I’ve heard connect is a great app!
from someone that used Connect before Sync was available: it works but feels like someone’s hobby. lots of issues and quirks to work around. Sync is absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t be using lemmy without it.
FWIW you can use list or compact view and it won’t show ads (for now at least). Or just pay the pricey one-time fee to remove ads.
That must be why I’ve never seen ads. I see people bitch about it every time someone mentions Sync, but have literally never seen one. Also the dev is a bad ass. I’ve twice mentioned bugs in release threads and he’s fixed them within a few minutes each time.
$20 really isn’t that bad for ad removal
How much do you pay to remove ads in other apps? Serious question.
There is no other app I use nearly as much or as often as Sync.
deleted by creator
I really enjoy using connect. RIF vibes within lemmy is what im here for
Your opinion matters! Yea the ads suck but if you like how smooth the app is you can get rid of them for a very small fee. But if you are happy with another ap, Connect, more power to ya!
… Izzy?
Watch out, those are fighting words according to the .world admins!
Sync is the reason I left Reddit and joined Lemmy!
That said, the new pricing options scared me away (you can’t tag users unless you get the super expensive one? Why? I used to be able to on the Reddit app) so I’ve been using Jerboa. It’s not as good as Sync (maybe 80% as good, for my purposes at least), but it’s free and getting better all the time.
Not being able to tag users like I could with the old Sync pro is the main thing that peeves me about it too.
I hate this too. Ultra is already worth it without having to lock a basic tagging feature behind it.
I’vr never used sync on reddit. What’s the workflow of user tagging? Do you get to create a sort of local database of types of accounts?
You could add a little tag beside their username saying whatever you wanted it to. It was great if you found someone to be particularly helpful or knowledgeable about something and then would see them pop up in other places. I remember tagging that guy who really knew vacuums for e.g… Or maybe there’s some other little quirk. I’ve forgotten the username of the dude who didn’t want to shit for three days here on Lemmy and definitely would’ve tagged them as such.
Now that I think about it, I remember seeing how many times I’d upvoted people beside their name too (was that in the app or an RES thing?) which is another nice little feature.
For example, I had a tag labeled “don’t click” for the guy on reddit that had that weird spinning Pikachu hyperlinked on the period at the end of his posts. That tag saved me from wasting so much time.
Connect has user tagging and is free
A lot of people are mad about sync, because of dumb reasons. but man I just wouldn’t use lemmy without it. I’d rather just not.
Even if I’m not using Sync, I am happy that Lemmy has a great app that draws Reddit users, and a smorgasbord of apps to choose from.
That’s probably why people are mad. I’ve seen lots of comments to the effect of they don’t want Redditors here because they’ll “ruin” Lemmy.
Sync makes it harder for them to gatekeep.
But isn’t almost everybody here people who left reddit, or even still use both? Or was there some invisible populace that didn’t use Reddit at all and suddenly decided to be active on Lemmy?
As a former Redditor myself, I’m not going to be able to answer that question. I do agree, though: users don’t magically come out of nowhere.
I wish i could lot in on sync…
Eventually kbin support will be added
Heck, lemmy is barely supported. The dev just bootstrapped the lemmy API into the reddit app and published it as a beta. We were all happy for that, but it will be a while before it’s a polished lemmy app.
Sync is great… Lemmy as a whole? Lots of work to do. Shit is pretty stagnant around here.
Jerboa used to hilariously break every time it was updated if your home instance was even a minor-sub-dot version number behind absolute latest. I couldn’t get rid of it fast enough. Connect and Liftoff are both great clients, I just happen to like Sync more. But, I do still keep Liftoff installed beccause it’s got some outstanding diagnostic tools if you are trying to see all pieces of data related to a post or comment.
I’m pretty sure it’s been months since that was an issue on Jerboa. I wouldn’t say Jerboa is rock solid, but it’s my app of choice. However, as a longtime Sync for Reddit user, I’m happy to see Sync gaining traction. The more the merrier!
It may have been rock-solid in the last few months since, but back when they were having their version numbering issues, I was a very new lemmy user and didn’t understand what the problem was (not that I should have had to)- the only thing I knew at the time was that other clients that I’d just learned about somehow didn’t have the same finicky version number problems as jerboa. It kind of wrecked my entire new-lemmy-user experience - especially since (as far as I know) Jerboa is kind of the semi-official client for Lemmy - it doesn’t need to have all the bells and whistles baked into more robust 3rd party clients - it just needs to be rock solid and run reliably as its only job, and it failed.
When Jerboa was having their version number problems, all of Lemmy was having version numbering problems! I couldn’t access certain instances because the version number was incompatible with the version number of the instance I am on, Two-Factor broke on a version upgrade, it was a mess. Lemmy wasn’t really ready for the Reddit exodus, and neither was Jerboa.
When Jerboa was having their version number problems, all of Lemmy was having version numbering problems
Well, not really. This was JUST a problem for Jerboa. There were some other 3rd party apps available for Lemmy and they didn’t suffer from the same problems. In fact, it wasn’t even a technical limitation of Jerboa itself… if you had previously installed and configured Jerboa when the instance version and the jerboa version matched, and then upgraded your jerboa app when your instance didn’t upgrade their version, it magically worked. The problem was when you installed Jerboa fresh and tried connecting it to a slightly outdated instance version - or if you wrecked yourself by clearing your jerboa cache/data folder without realizing that it would behave like it was starting fresh and break. The problem was solely in over-aggressive version checking during Jerboa startup…a total rookie mistake.
That’s about the time that half of all Lemmy users suddenly learned about the availability of some competing apps that didn’t have the same problems.
I’m talking about other version numbering issues that all of Lemmy experienced at that same time. While the one you spoke about was Jerboa specific, I experienced the other issues on the web as well as on Sync. As you pointed out, Jerboa is developed in parallel with Lemmy and it seems like these issues were a blind spot for the developers.
I have been using jerboa since 3 months ago when I found lemmy. It has worked fin for me!
Like Lemmy is to Reddit, FOSS clients are to paid alternatives.
The only way I can see to stay clear of business practices I don’t like is to support the FOSS model.
I’m not saying Sync isn’t a good client, or that the dev has anything other than the best intersts of his users in mind, it’s that at any point a decision can be made which you have no control over. Service models for software, for example, very rarely seems to be in the users interests.
Give the FOSS clients a shot, they are also constantly improving!
I installed both Jerboa and Liftoff and ended up on Sync.
I run Linux and 99% foss software on PC and same on phone.
Sync was the only android client I tried that was usable. The keyboard bug in jerboa was maddening
You could try out Eternity. It’s a fork of Infinity for Reddit and has great UI/UX design. Though not using latest M3 design guidelines it’s lightyears ahead of Liftoff, Thunder, etc. imo (which I couldn’t stand personally - tastes vary ofc!)
You can get Eternity from F-droid when you enable the IzzyDroid Repository (included in droid-ify, a much better fdroid client than the official one)
I may have xome later to both, I find either very usable + no ads
I’m android and went through about 1 month of switching between clients to find the one I liked the most. Connect was the winner for me. Multiple accounts, hide read, good default UI amongst a handful of other things
it’s that at any point a decision can be made which you have no control over
This is true for any software you didn’t write. Plenty of FOSS software has gone in directions I didn’t like.
The only real difference is whether decision makers have a profit motive. That’s important, but that said, it’s not everything.
And at any time you or someone else who is likewise pissed off can fork the software and put it straight
But I can always use an older APK, at which point I do have control over the changes. I can even inject custom code if I really want to - some people are still using Sync for Reddit with their own API keys.
And you’re stuck with potential security issues/missing regulatory chages, lack of new features…
There’s a big difference which is that clients have minimal lock in. Reddit has a monopoly over the community while you can easily switch clients with little lost.
Sync is definitely my main, with Liftoff being my backup QB. Liftoff is last though?? Really? I don’t get that, I think it’s pretty great
There are a lot of results under this you can see at https://strawpoll.com/wby5A21R1yA, I just took a screenshot on my phone and that’s what fit and didn’t feel like doing a really long screenshot lol
Liftoff is pretty great though, I used it as my primary for a while and still use it occasionally
Liftoff still is my preferred option over sync. My only problem with liftoff is I don’t like the way it shows replies within longer comment chains. It’s too cluttered. Sync does a better job there
me waiting for boost knowing it will probably never release until next year
Same, dev said end of August, but that didn’t happen. The guy isn’t very fast, but he is a solo dev and the end result is pretty good so it doesn’t bother me that much. I’m enjoying Sync in the meantime.
Sync dev is solo. Just sayin’.
What app do you use?
Where did you link the poll? Cause some communities might trend more towards certain apps (ones that migrated from reddit for example).
!asklemmy@lemmy.ml, which according to lemmyverse.net is the biggest community on Lemmy so it shouldn’t have too much bias
Edit: for some reason lemmyverse.net doesn’t show every instance, browse.feddit.de shows it as the third biggest which doesn’t change much but still
Out of a few thousand who responded*.
Well yeah, that’s generally how polls work.
Well it was more like 4-5k and it is most likely a fair representation of overall users, as it was asked in a general community which is one of the largest and the percentage stayed around the same the whole time
What general community on what instance?
There is no way this poll provides a realistic sentiment thats anything but a pulled out of thin air guess.
Does the poll verbiage differentiate if I have Sync but use Liftoff far more at the moment?
I don’t want to be a dick. All I’m saying is running such a poll is tricky as time of day as well as day of the week will impact the results drastically. Add to that the type of audience and then you’ve got massive skew.
I did my own poll and the 3 most important people to me all use Sync, me, myself and I lol. I have no problem with other people using what they want for whatever reason they want, and won’t knock anybody. But for we three, we used them all and we like Sync best.
Is this available on iOS?
The poll is, Sync is not
But there are still great clients for IOS, I’ve seen a lot of the about Avelon, Memmy, and Voyager!
I just started using avelon and boy, is it swell.
Memmy is the most popular on iOS, there are others that are solid but I’ve seen a hard push to monetize them already.
I like Memmy a lot. Few bells and whistles but the experience is clean and stream lined with no ads.
Love Memmy since the swipe actions are so similar to Apollo. RIP Apollo.
Just hoping it gets updated again. Development was fast and furious, then it just stopped.
Just hoping it gets updated again. Development was fast and furious, then it just stopped.
Make an account on artemis.social and then get the Artemis testflight on ios. That’s my main way to do the kbin/lemmy fediverse on my phone, works great.
Artemis.camp is the site! But yeah, it rocks
That’s impressive!
I know I’m so surprised so many voted in general and by the percentage that voted Sync!
I really wanna switch to Eternity / Infinity because I’m able to customize super pretty colors. But I got sync first and it’s super pleasant and easy. Love the post filters.
I’ve got several of these installed and I keep finding myself using liftoff. It’s not perfect, but it let’s me combine my subscriptions from several accounts into one view. I like that a lot & don’t see that option in the other apps.
Oh I liked Liftoff and didn’t even know it had that! I’ll have to check that out!