I watched Bedknobs and Broomsticks over Christmas and now I have Bobbing Along stuck in my head.
Let’s share our current ones to remove their power.
The Gilmore Girls theme song. My wife had never seen it before. Now she has.
Glad to hear that this has been made right.
Oh god, its contagious. Its going to take me weeks to get that out of my head.
At least this one has lyrics. I regularly get the light switch rave stuck in my head and thats just doo doo du doo didla doo doo doo and didl um dum, didl um dums…
And now they are both stuck great.
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As a teen I hated “They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard” and of course like all immature teens, my friends, kept on singing it or playing it. And then one day I used it to dislodge another earworm and ever since it is now my power earworm, able to dislodge any other song before fading away.
So tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him…
The balrog of morgoth
What did you say?
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Omfg I have been reminded this exists
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If you haven’t played Sorry We’re Closed yet, it’s a fantastic queer horror survival RPG. Features music from Okumura Music Group, checked them out and this one has been going in my head all week, https://okumuramusicgroup.bandcamp.com/track/basic-human-rights
Oh man, this was stuck in my head for weeks after watching the Bryan Cranston movie The Infiltrator. Perfect fit.
Part of why it’s so catchy for me is how it samples Suzanne Vega’s hit Tom’s Diner.
Every year I replay Parasite Eve around christmas. And like every year, I’ll hear Out of Phase in my head until february. I’m not complaining though 😊
Great balls of fire.
Because I have watched ‘Top Gun’ and ‘Maverick’ recently.
Land of Sunshine by Faith No More. I’m trying to learn it on bass so I have listened to it a lot. Now I walk around fighting the impulse to blurt out “here’s how to order!” when the song reaches that part in my head.
dude… Billy Gould is one of the all time greatest! King for a Day is one of my all time favorites and his magnum opus IMO.
A supremely skilled musician. Pushing me to strive for a level or 2 above my current ability.
🎵 Too many cooks! Tooooo maaaaany cooks… 🎵
This gem of raw unpolished catchiness
El test de la Bravo y la SuperpopCivilization - Bongo Bongo Bongo.
I’m replaying Fallout 4.
“I don’t want to set the world on fire” is the one I always think of with Fallout. For obvious reasons.