I’m guessing you haven’t driven I-4 in Florida. Rated multiple times as the most dangerous stretch of highway in the US. People just change lanes without indicating or even looking. It’s crazy.
The most frustrating drivers I’ve ever encountered, however, were in the Northern Virginia/DC area. So much entitlement. People stopping their cars in all sorts of places where you’re not supposed to, putting their hazards on as though that makes parking anywhere legal. Driving aggressively. Just generally entitled, crappy drivers (maybe because the population is so heavily made up of immigrants from countries with different rules–just a guess).
I’ve been through most of the US at this point and lived in a handful of states. Those two are the worst. LA sucks, too, but that’s mostly because of traffic.
I-4 was much easier to drive for me than I-95 in Miami. I have never seen worse drivers.
Yup I4 is bad but Miami is brutal. In Miami a turn signal is a .25 second warning to get out of the way. (Lifelong central Florida resident)
I lived in LA (admittedly 20 years ago) and the traffic was bad, but the one thing that made up for it was that people who drove like assholes also knew what they were doing. They don’t leave a cushion so if you want to get over, you have to force it, and you have to know exactly how much you can get away with. Don’t get me wrong, there were certainly accidents, but fewer than I would have expected given the population. No data though; this is just my memory. It’s probably different now.
Bad drivers in Atlanta long predate Tesla’s existence
This is remarkable! BMW drivers are definitely the sponsors od this article.
“Of the states where Ram dominated, drivers were worst in Massachusetts at 64.44 incidents per 1,000 drivers. Tesla (31.13) and Subaru (30.09) were the only other brands whose drivers had incident rates above 30.00.”
Damn, Ram drivers are more than twice as worse as the second worst drivers. WTH?
Look up the rate of DUIs for Ram drivers
That does not surprise me at all.
Yep. There’s a maneuver I call “the Atlanta special” which is where you signal in one direction, and slow down a little, and then you floor the accelerator and speed off in the opposite direction to the one you’re indicating.
Bonus points if it’s to get a single car length ahead in slow traffic approaching an already red light.
I see it at least once a week.
Couple of weeks ago I saw it three different times in a single rush hour commute.
funny. when I think tesla, atlanta is not the first place to come to mind. I would think like portland or seattle.
I wouldn’t either. I guess now that Elon is full on MAGA, they like him?
I sure didn’t see many electric cars made by anyone else. No Bolts or Leafs or Ioniqs in sight. I think I saw a couple of Rivians.
was it like mostly like cybertrucks? saw one for the first time the other day. I have to say in real life it did not seem quite as ridiculously stupid. Not quite.
No, I only saw one. But clearly newer models of other Teslas. I disagree about the Cybertruck not looking ridiculously stupid in real life. It looked just as ridiculously stupid to me. As have the handful of other ones I’ve seen.
There are a lot of politically left people in Atlanta, they keep the statewide races competitive. And Atlanta drivers are a special breed.
I am pretty sure that a lot of Tesla drivers just traded in their BMW.
Can’t be worse than DC.
I work at an airport at a job that as you’re exiting the plane, I’M the first person you see as you’re exiting the plane.
I’ve often made jokes, with no context given, that everyone would be better off if Atlanta were just put on a no-fly list. Even without context given I get upvotes for saying that.
Kinda like when I call George Clooney a smug bastard. People don’t question it. They just know it’s true and upvote without backstory needed.
Basically nothing
Well no one in Atlanta is from Atlanta. We blame the rest of you for sending us your bad drivers.
Same with L.A. Which had the second-worst drivers. And I had to live there for 10 years.
So you’re admitting to being a bad driver then.
I’m admitting to not being perfect, but trying to be as good and courteous as I can.
Are you a perfect driver? Do you try to be as good and courteous as you can?
Ok so I have a theory. I’m a rare atlien. Born and raised here. Since the recent election especially, but really, going back to the first Trump term and even before… Atlanta has a huge black population and we are proud of it. They are not feeling alright, and I don’t blame them.
If you look at the demographics on the last election, black women especially, but also black men, voted for Harris. I’m as white as the day is long and, even though I voted Harris, none of them know it. I guess I’m saying I feel the shade, both driving and walking through the grocery store sometimes. I’m probably projecting but I’m picking up feelings of betrayal. Sorry to weigh down your shower thought but as a friend and ally to black Atlanta, this place is grieving the choice the country made.
Again, maybe it is just me grieving and projecting it on everything but I don’t think so. It all makes me feel sick.
TL;DR; You came at a bad time.
Tesla advertises their cars a lot based on the self driving part, so I can imagine a sizeable number of Tesla owners know they suck at driving, and is why they bought into the idea of a car that drives itself.
I like you. You knew Bill Nye from way back.
Tell me you’ve never been to Texas without telling me you’ve never been to Texas. 😉
Hello from NYC
I don’t get how there’s SO MANY TESLAS. Virtually no one has a garage.
the thing with NYC is thay everyone is moving so slow it stops being driving and starts being walking in a crowded hallway. it looks like a clusterfuck, mostly because it is a clusterfuck, but if you take it easy and be patient it’s very managable. once you cross the throgg’s neck, that’s when you’re in for a really bad time. although that too can be predictable: just assume everyone on the road is going to do the single most malicious thing possible and you’re right nine out of ten times
I came to the opposite conclusion after living in Atlanta for a few years.
My experience was that Atlanta drivers are very accustomed to high traffic, so will do things like drive closely packed af 85mph on the freeway, assertively take advantage of gaps or entry opportunities, and not wait around for you to turn and will swerve around you.
But they have the experience to do it fairly adeptly, and once you get used to it, there is very little friction outside of congestion. People use signals, anticipate movements and coordinate to ensure flow, and seem to generally get the “game theory” aspect of making traffic work better.
They also aren’t assholes like in the northeast - if you put your blinker on they’ll let you into the fast lane, instead of speeding up to block you. There’s very little honking or aggressive behavior. I’ve rarely witnessed road rage.
Of course some people suck, but it’s a minority.
That’s called tailgating, and nobody can actually do it adeptly. It is far more dangerous than speeding is. You can’t account for a car in front of you suddenly needing to break if you are tailgating. It doesn’t matter how good of a driver you are. Physics is against you.
Assuming the person behind you in the next lane is not going to speed up when you don’t use your turn signals because you’re “very accustomed to high traffic” explains all the accidents I saw.