I recently finished Rise of the Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy XVI, and I’m hesitant what I should play next (PC or PS5).
With FF I enjoyed the game and the story was all I expected from it, and I’m really looking forward to the DLC.
With Tomb Raider… damn that game is all over the place. The story is predictable, and also stupid. “Why did you rush in there? Without weapons? Against an army?”, and other similar thoughts kept running through my head. I don’t feel inclined to play Shadow of the tomb Raider (the sequel).
I have a backlog of too many games, and lately it takes a lot of effort to start because I don’t know if it’s worth the time investment. I love games with good stories, and playing a game that puts the lore and story in the background feels like a waste of time.
Sure, I could get started on Baldurs Gate 3, I’ve heard great things. But is the story great? Will I be able to say “oh that chapter/fight/act is awesome!” To other people looking for game experiences?
Experiences like Escaping from the ship in Super Metroid, helping that king in Witcher 3, fighting Psycho Mantis in MGS, fighting Titan in FFXVI, killing the first colossus, escaping from darth Vader, that first Mario odyssey stage, beating the first boss in Bloodborne, playing “Brothers” for the first time and getting to the ending… all great experiences with awesome stories to tell
TL;DR: what am I missing?
EDIT: Holy crap I didn’t expect these many replies. Thank you! There are many recommendations I’ve already played, and many others I will definitely play. Thanks!
If anyone is interested in the result:
Recommended, bought:
- Bioshock 2
- Black mesa
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Death stranding
- Deaths door
- Detroit become human (PS5)
- Disco elysium
- Dragon Age
- Elden ring
- Fallout 3
- Fallout 4
- Fallout new Vegas
- Ghost of Tsushima
- Hades
- Half life alyx
- Hellblade senuas sacrifice
- Homeworld
- Horizon zero dawn
- Inscryption
- Just cause 3
- Life is Strange
- Mass effect 3
- Metro series
- Ori and the blind forest, and sequel
- Oxenfree
- Persona 5
- Planescape: torment
- Shadowrun dragonfall
- Shadowrun Hong Kong
- Soma
- Spider-Man
- Subnautica
- Tyranny
- Wolfenstein series
Recommended, to buy:
- 13 sentinels (PS4)
- Age of decadence
- Cruelty squad
- Dead space
- Ghost recon wildlands
- God of war ragnarok
- Grandia
- Kingdom Come Deliverance
- Octopath Traveler 1 & 2
- Outer wilds
- Pathologic 2
- Red dead redemption 2
- Song of horror
- Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG
- The hex
- the last of us part 2
- The upturned
- Torment: tides of numenera
- Withering rooms
- Yakuza
Already Played, and yeah, these are awesome:
- Alpha centauri
- Bioshock 1
- Bioshock infinite
- Borderlands series
- Control
- Dark souls series
- Deus ex human revolution
- Deus ex mankind divided
- Ghost trick
- God of war 2018
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Hollow knight
- Hotel Dusk
- Mass effect
- Mass effect 2
- Nier: automata
- Nier: replicant
- Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Psychonauts 1 & 2
- Spec ops: the line
- Stray
- the last of us part 1
- The Stanley parable
- Titanfall 2
- Undertale
- What remains of Edith finch
- Witcher 3
Outer Wilds (not Outer Worlds)
Ori and the Blind Forest
Hollow Knight
+1 for Outer Wilds!
I came here to recommend Outer Wilds too
Outer wilds is the best story driven game ever
Also wanted to add Outer Wilds. The story is incredibly interesting and well-told, and it’s one you have definitely not seen before!
I wanted to say Outer Wilds too simply to have OP join us in our search for that high of another player experiencing this game for the first time. Nothing quite like seeing the game “click” when they finally get those big plot points.
Pleasantly surprised to see Outer Wilds here, which I just finished the base game of the other day. Starting the DLC now.
Great game!
deleted by creator
Portal is one of my top choices for introducing people to video games who otherwise haven’t really been interested
I love both of these. Sooo good.
Played them both! Awesome games, and glados is an awesome character!
Mass effect trilogy
What remains of Edith Finch
Stanley parable
Spec ops the line
Fallout new Vegas
Detroit become human
Deus ex and deus ex human revolution
I want to second What Remains of Edith Finch. Tip: play it in a single go. It will take about 2 hours, but trust me when I say it’s worth it.
How would you classify Detroit becomes human? Its been in my queue for awhile. The preview looks great, sounds great, but I havent heard anyone bring it up. Which makes me worry if its worth the time.
I’d say its worth the time. It has a lot of replayability, but I only played it once.
It’s awesome. Mainly a dialogue-based game. Drama. A lot of choices that you have to make. Emotional.
Disco Elysium
My favorite game of all time. Second is Portal 2.
This should be the top answer. I’m also a person that can’t really enjoy a game unless it has a good story and Disco Elysium blew me away. The best game to come out since 2019 as far as I’m concerned
Have you done any Last of Us, yet? Both games are excellent.
First one. The second one… I’ve read it’s more of a vengeance story in the first half, and then you play the same story from the other side, making you see how awful revenge is.
Does it have scenes like the one with the giraffes?
Yep. I hated ND at the time but by the end of the game I was blown away. One of the most immersive incredible gaming experiences I’ve ever had (story-wise, both games I mean). As amazing as the first was I almost prefer the second… I’m still torn.
It’s not for every one though and it recieved a review bomb before it was released and a lot of those people still hate it.
To answer the giraffe one and without spoilers… yep there’a lovely moments in it that stick with you
I’m replaying it right now on Survivor. Great game but so grim. I can’t do long play sessions because I find it too taxing. It’s extremely polished so you can play it at any difficulty level and it works well.
I’m here now because I want to find another game to play alongside or after that isn’t so heavy.
I would agree that the first one is good, the second one is boring garbage in my opinion.
I like the second one better than the first.
Both have powerful stories, and I can respect a narrative that takes risks like TLOU has. I have some gripes with the second’s narrative, but I would still recommend it to many. I’ve also been thinking about it recently, so I’m pleasantly surprised to see it mentioned here.
I think it’s totally fine that a game may not be someone’s cup of tea, but I recall the second game getting a lot of negativity for…some reason I don’t fully remember.
Outside of the story the gameplay is better, the tech is better, the environments are better. Even today it holds up as a powerhouse in these areas.
But, again, a recall a lot of people trashing the game, and I’m not saying that’s you at all. Don’t get me wrong. I’m just trying to remember why a certain subset of people online were going all apey over it. To me it’s absolute top tier game to this day.
I recall the second game getting a lot of negativity for…some reason I don’t fully remember.
Some of the popular complaints went into spoiler territory. Since I can’t seem to spoiler tag on kbin, I’ll only briefly mention that they generally centered around one of the main character’s choices early on, while also targeting their appearance for being “unrealistic”.
Outside of the story the gameplay is better, the tech is better, the environments are better. Even today it holds up as a powerhouse in these areas.
I agree overall. I also applaud Naughty Dog for the considerable number of gameplay options and accessibility features. If I remember correctly, someone has even beaten TLOU1/2 who was born blind.
I’m just trying to remember why a certain subset of people online were going all apey over it.
Not gonna get into it here, but the lesson learned by the protagonist felt like it missed the mark a bit when looking at the events of the game after things were said and done. Ultimately, I think it’s fairly minor considering that’s maybe my main gripe. I suppose I had some issues with pacing too, and thought some aspects of the plot should have been fleshed out differently. I was hoping to revisit TLOU1/2 eventually to see how my thoughts have changed.
I definitely recommend Control, since a lot of games you like have big epic set pieces as well as an engaging story. That game is insanely rewarding if you’re willing to put the time and effort into looking for “collectibles” and piecing the game together. Very cool atmosphere and fun to play as well. You really get out of this one what you put into it.
Bioshock Infinite got shit on by both racists and leftists who completely missed the point of the game, but the ending is the best of the Bioshock series IMO and stuck with me longer than most anything else I’ve played. Lots of big cinematic moments, too.
Guardians of the Galaxy is slept on imo and has some amazing moments, and while the story is a retread of things the GotG comic has done, if you’re not a big comic reader, you won’t know, and if you are, you’ll be jazzed about how things are represented.
BG3 is incredible and the hype is well-deserved. The replayability is genuinely off the charts. Ive begun 4 playthroughs and beat it once and have not played the same game twice. Main story is the same but the variability in motivation, drive, and interactions is simply incredible. It is THE CRPG, and this is coming from someone for whom BG2 is my favorite game of all time.
New Vegas is New Vegas. It’s a shining example of what gaming can be for a reason. Needs no explanation (other than “don’t go north at the start”).
I came here to say Guardians of the Galaxy. The gameplay is fine, but the story and music in the game are awesome! I keep trying to get people to play it.
This one doesn’t usually get mentioned when people talk about good story: Borderlands 2. (1 is dry, 3 is stupid)
It’s light-hearted so I think people don’t take it seriously, but if you look past the fart jokes, and really pay attention. You get one of the BEST villains ever, and some real emotional moments.
The Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep was a great continuation of the main storyline as well.
As a long time D&D fan, I geeked out through the whole thing! So much fun!
Did you play Wonderlands?
Wonderlands is great. First good Borderlands game since Tales IMO
I did. I enjoyed it, but didn’t replay it like I did with BL2.
Outer Wilds
The only problem with starting Baldur’s Gate 3 now is that it’s gonna be a crazy high bar for everything that comes after.
But if you want a great story that’s affected by your decisions and character, it’s a great place to go.
I highly recommend Outer Wilds if you haven’t already. Just don’t get it mixed up with Outer Worlds
Outer Worlds is good too. Not as good as Outer Wilds, but still good. Sorta like New Vegas in space
Bladur’s gate 3 is awesome but if you can wait, do so and you will have a much more seamless experience in the near future once more patches come out.
My recommendation is the following.
NieR Automata. It’s a masterpiece of a game with innovation all over the place. Trust me, it’s much more of a JRPG with some hot chicks. Go in blind and you will have an amazing experience.
On a similar note, Death Stranding. The story is less cohesive and honestly as a game it isn’t as good either but I still maintain that it is a game that everyone must try at least once. It’s not one of the best games I’ve played, by far but I am 100% happy that I played it.
Last recommendation is Hades. Flawless game with incredible amounts of polish.
P.S. all these games have AMAZING soundtracks
I’ll second the NieR suggestion, and raise the prequel/original. Both of those games have no right being as good as they are story wise.
I’m already waiting for a discount to buy the first game
NieR, come for the 2Booty, stay for the existential questioning of the meaning of life.
One of my favorite games of all time and I 1000% picked it up because the fan art of the MC is hot.
God of War 2018 - such a great story and you don’t need to know the previous games.
God of War - Ragnarock - it’s rare a sequel to a banger is good. Even more rare when the sequel to a banger is an even bigger banger. 2018’s story was good, ragnarock is so damn moving.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - never played the first one but bc 2 is chronologically before it, no matter. This game is so immersive and deep.
Horizon Zero Dawn - this one is probably hit or miss. You either lovr the lore or couldn’t be fucked. For me it was a great story. Gameplay may not stand the test of time however.
Ghost of Tsushima - this game is so fucking pretty.
Hollow knight - the lore. Omg the lore and the art style and omfg the music. Hidden gem.
I can’t think of more but there are a ton 🙂
Horizon’s story stuck with me for a few weeks after completing it. Also one of the few games I played all the way through without playing other games as well. I usually have to play a few different games so I don’t get burned out of any one game.
I agree on the God of War games as well. So well done.
Also, Fuck Ted Faro.
Fuck Ted Faro.
Edit to add: for me the lore of HZD was like 1 generational leap from plausible. Like it’s science fiction for sure but 1 leap in tech and it’s science plausible. That said… Fuck Ted Faro
It’s already here actually. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-eatr-robot-flesh-idUSL1N33W1QC
Just like in HZD maybe they can use alternative if no plants near them
I also agree, I loved Horizons story and lore. I also agree people either love it or hate it which is super odd to me because it is such a great game and reminds me of all the other great games yet somehow this one gets shafted. You never got to see the past but just the retelling of what happened throughout the game was perfect.
I liked the lore, but the game was a bit of a slog for me. Just kind of sick of that kind of open world game, I guess! I don’t think it’s a bad game at all, but I can imagine others might feel similarly. Also I guess I really wasn’t invested much in what was happening story wise in the present in that game and the side quests are just aggressively mediocre and I kind of regretted bothering with any of them.
Also the lore you could find that gives glimpses into the past really helped if you cared or took the time to listen/read them.
Ghost trick (it’s on steam now woohoo)
BioShock trilogy
The original Ace Attorney trilogy
Also +1 to outer wilds. It’s been mentioned a dozen times here already. It’s my game of the decade.
Shouldn’t need to be mentioned but play all of these games blind because story is a huge part of them.
I was really surprised by Titanfall 2. Looks like an ordinary mech shooter (okay there is nothing ordinary about that these days), but the story was solid and the level design amazing.
My only complaint is that it’s way too short of a campaign. It’s very easy to beat over a few hours, but it’s fun the whole way through and I just want more.
NieR Automata for me, even with its 4 required playthroughs, it’s a fantastic story that genuinely made me question a lot of beliefs I had about life
Alternatively, NieR Replicant which is just as good on its 2nd and third playthrough because of knowing everything in the first playthrough