and I am really not impressed. I don’t want to know more about the story, don’t want to build a spaceship that I can fast travel with, don’t want to explore the universe.

What are your thoughts?

    802 years ago

    It looks like Skyrim in space and I don’t really get why anyone was expecting something else

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
      342 years ago

      But Skyrim is beautiful even with its older graphics and has an interesting world to explore. Grey space metal structures on grey planets just aren’t interesting. Also even more so if the story starts with “you touched a weird rock”, don’t know why but here have my spaceship.

      In Skyrim you’re waking up going to be executed next moment there’s a dragon attack.

      • Dudewitbow
        472 years ago

        I mean id argue Skyrim isnt that great to look at either, given its a continent full of tombs and snow due to its climate. Its just gray and white.

        Both Morrowwind and Oblivion had more interesting places to look at than skyrim did.

      322 years ago

      Right? There was this one guy on Lemmy the other day expecting the game to be like Freelancer… Like, dude, it’s Fallout with a space suit, we’ve known that for years now. I feel like gamers always have the most stupid and unrealistic expectations imaginable.

      • DoucheBagMcSwag
        42 years ago


        “We don’t own this place but we have an understanding with the people who do.”

  • RaineV1
    2 years ago

    I mean, yeah, if you aren’t into the core elements of a game you probably won’t be interested in the game. It’s like say, “I’m not impressed with the new Mario game. I don’t want to do platforming, and I don’t care about powerups or collecting things.”

    • CMLVI
      342 years ago

      Yeah, lot of people are upset that Bethesda released a Bethesda game.

      “Why is this like Skyrim in space and not like completely different studios style?”

      Well, probably because Bethesda made the game and not the other studio…

    • sharpiemarker
      202 years ago

      A surprising percentage of gamers seem to think that any new AAA title game is catered to them and rather than understand it was made for other people, they complain about how bad it is.

    422 years ago

    Sounds like you simply don’t like science fiction video games then. Thanks for letting us know. I’m gonna go play some Starfield now.

    • slaytswiftfan
      562 years ago

      what lol — he doesn’t like starfield so that immediately means he doesn’t like science fiction games??

      I’m a huge scifi and fantasy fan and I refunded starfield after 4-5 hrs

    • Amju Wolf
      222 years ago

      Well I (not OP) would love me some actual Mass Effect 4, for example. Not really excited for a sci-fi Bethesda RPG though.

  • Storksforlegs
    382 years ago

    People are getting pretty spicy with the responses. OP was just underwhelmed by a game getting a lot of hype. Like lots of people are going to like it, but not everyone. I think theyre just trying to generate discussion, not say “everyone who likes starfield is an CHUMP!!” or something.

    362 years ago

    Personally I’m excited to see what the mod landscape is going to look like in a year. As with most Bethesda games, I couldn’t care much less about the game itself outside of that key feature.

  • slaytswiftfan
    322 years ago

    I agree it was very boring and the writing in the intro was incredibly weak. Every time I expected that wow moment (helgen, opening the vault) i just found disappointment instead. “Wow a fight! oh I’m just randomly handed a ship? ok sick time to fly, oh it’s just fast travel. New Atlantis is about to be crazy, oh it’s just a bland city” and everything being beige didn’t help. Fallout has the cool roleplaying in the wasteland factor, Skyrim has the cool fantasy aspect, Starfield seemed to just be ‘space’ but other games (Mass Effect, Outer Wilds, hell even the first half of The Outer Worlds) did it better.

    It seemed p clear they don’t feel the need to innovate or have any ambition because their dedicated fan base is so large now that they don’t really have to. Which is fine but wasn’t for me.

  • irongamer
    2 years ago

    It’s a space clutter looter

    Played 8 hours last night so this is a very early impression. I love clutter looters and didn’t expect much else from Bethesda’s Fallout/Scrolls main studio. The Bethesda crafted areas are excellent if you are looking for what I call a Fallout / Elder Scrolls clutter looter. Lots of stuff to loot, the FPS combat is much better than Fallout 4 or 76. Don’t expect a space sim like SC or NMS this is a Bethesda Fallout/Scrolls style game with a bunch of additional systems on top of it.

    First person combat

    I’ve played both SC and NMS. While exploring a station in Starfield I thought to myself… this is what SC should have been for their foot exploration. The derelict stations in NMS are rather static environments and never cared for them much. What surprised me about the Starfield AI is they will “flee” or “flank” by running past you at times. I’ve lost track of enemies at times because of this and have had to go hunting for them.

    Ship travel

    There is fast travel. If you are looking for a space flight sim this is not for you. I don’t have an issue with fast travel as I get no thrills from traveling in space 1:1. There is simulation and there is stupid… SC leans a bit too heavy into the latter. Don’t expect 1:1 space travel in Starfield, it isn’t made for that.

    Ship combat

    Again this is not a space flight sim. Most recently coming off Everspace 2 I do miss the strafing controls and pedal usage, but that game is star fighter like combat. Starfield does have a ship editor and seems to be more about load out than fighter style combat. Think a bit more like Expanse style combat. I don’t have much time in this area of the game so I can’t say a whole lot more about it.

    Initial impression

    I love Bethesda clutter looters and this one is in space. Going to eat up the Bethesda crafted clutter looter areas. The 1,000 worlds will likely function as a massive canvas for future mods.

      92 years ago

      Played 8 hours last night so this is a very early impression

      HOLY CRAP it takes like 25 minutes to play through DuckTales on the NES, I guess I’m not used to modern games. 😆

      Anyway, thanks for the great write-up!

        2 years ago

        It took me about 14 hours in to reveal a major game mechanic that Bethesda didn’t even mention. it’s wild how big this game is I did some goofing around and side stuff but not that much.

      22 years ago

      There are strafing controls, but I think you have to have at least one rank in Piloting the game calls it thrusters. Hold space to enable strafing controls (on controller it’s hold RB and then use the left stick to strafe up, down, left and right. I don’t know exactly how it works on M+KB.)

  • jlow (he/him)
    2 years ago

    Yeah, also getting strong “not for me”-vibes. Looks like a less grimey Fallout in space. Graphics seem to be far less amazing as I imagined from trailers.

    Edit: Buuut I think lots of people will have fun with this and that’s cool!

    • hypelightfly
      132 years ago

      Looks like a less grimey Fallout in space

      That’s exactly what it is. Also less fallout humor. If you don’t like other BGS games you aren’t going to like this one.

    2 years ago

    It is exactly as shitty as I expected it to be. Another crappy bethesda game in a long line of garbage. I think the last game from them I truly enjoyed was Morrowind. I don’t think New Vegas counts. Fallout 4 was depressing being so close to good. Every moment in that game screams half baked. That quest where you help the robots out with their ship showed me just how possible it was to make the game good, but then it was the only good quests besides maybe the silver shroud one.

  • Mojo
    212 years ago

    It’s not as open and “huge scale” as people seem to think it is.
    It’s kind of “fake open” if that makes sense.
    You cannot get into your ship and fly 500m east to your mission.
    If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there.

    Made me disappointed.

      72 years ago

      Wait, what? How does that work? I haven’t seen much of the game except trailers.

        2 years ago

        There’s no flying in atmosphere at all. To do what the parent commenter says would require going back to orbit (loading screen) then choosing a spot on the planet to land (another loading screen). When you land like that on planet, it generates an instance for you that is procedurally generated, but won’t contain any of your mission markers. (I haven’t actually tried that part, but I’ve seen others talk about it.)

        The game is basically areas, separated by loading screens. You get in your ship, that’s a loading screen, you fly to orbit, another loading screen. Then in orbit if you want to go to another planet, you set course and do another loading screen. Once there, you choose a spot and land for another loading screen. There is flying in space, but it’s limited to small instances with some other ships, and POIs. Your ship’s speed is very slow, and as far as I’ve been able to tell you cannot walk around your ship while it’s in flight (this may be a limitation of the controller controls, I saw a streamer stand up in flight, but I don’t know if that was a bug or not. There’s no binding to stand up when you are in flight on controller.) I just wasn’t holding B long enough, you can stand up when you are in space, you just have to hold the normal binding for longer than I expected.

        All that being said, I’m still enjoying the game. But I went in with low expectations.

          82 years ago

          What you describe sounds almost exactly like the Mass Effect 1 procedurally generated missions. But that game came out in 2007…

            62 years ago

            Mass Effect 1 has the Mako though. In Starfield, as far as I know there are no ground vehicles at all. So it’s just a lot of running.

              12 years ago

              I mean to be fair, maybe starfield is better off without ground vehicles if the alternative is the mako

                2 years ago

                It Mako me angry. There’s enough there I think it would be nice to have a little rover that could go like 30 mph and haul your loot.

          • Mojo
            52 years ago

            Oh shit, you are right. This is how Starfield works. I forgot that Mass Effect had the same thing!

        • Echo Dot
          42 years ago

          I would have much rather play in a single star system where all of the worlds are carefully crafted than them having this kind of “infinite although not really” random terrain generation thing.

          Even no Man’s Sky has more exploratory options.

    212 years ago

    I don’t want to hear how good this game is because I only own a PS5 and don’t have a gaming PC.

    • Veraxus
      132 years ago

      Good news for you: It’s not very good. At least not the first 5 hours, which are painfully boring and full of jank.

    • OverfedRaccoon 🦝
      72 years ago

      A decade old gaming PC (that was mid-tier at best back then), a PS5 that’s not technically mine, a Switch, and an OG Xbox One. Tell me about it. 😂

    202 years ago

    Personally from the screenshots and the vids I didn’t feel like the game would be for me. Is there actual story? Are there fun characters to hang with?

    Bethesda games have quite a recognizable formula, and this seems like their blandest implementation.

    But hey, i am basing this on the other games and a handful of material. Ill probably crack it and wait for it to lower in price big time.

    • Ser Salty
      302 years ago

      Yeah, the story/stories and characters are the actual meat of the game. It’s not a space sim like Star Citizen or NMS, it’s an RPG first and foremost, really.

      Also, so far (~20 hours in) it’s way less bland than Fallout 4. It’s a way more of an RPG (I talked my way out of confrontations multiple times, sometimes even using my background and traits, when relevant). Sure, if you just keep landing on planets and going to the auto generated structures and scanning wildlife, it’s probably gonna be quite bland. But there’s way more actual content, way more actual quests that aren’t just clearing out bandits/raiders. The space sim-y stuff, that’s just there to sell the fantasy. Yes, you can be a bounty hunter or space trucker or whatever, but that content is of course going to be way more autogenerated, bland stuff. I’d recommend doing that stuff on the side, when you want a break from story heavy quests.

      But even clearing out raiders is often waymore fun in Starfield, especially when it’s in space. For example, I came across an abandoned zero-gravity casino space station that spacers (one of this games version of raiders and bandits) were in, while I was on my way to the space cowboy city, and that was a very fun fight.

      Another time, I was heading back to New Atlantis when I noticed a symbol for a ship in the same system. When I went to investigate, I first got into a dogfight with another ship, disabled their engine and borded them, then I noticed there was some kind of heavy freighter they were raiding, so I docked with that. On that ship, the engines were funky and as they were turning on and off the gravity was going, too, so I was fighting my way through a ship where the gravity was constantly fluctuating, which then also factored into small environmental puzzles, like waiting for the gravity to turn off to go up an elevator shaft. Eventually got to into the vault the space pirates were trying to get into, and although I couldn’t get all of it because I didn’t have a high enough lockpicking skill (the new lockpicking minigame is also kinda fun, ngl), but I did pick up some contraband. When I then finally actually went to New Atlantis, the contraband was caught by the scanners, I was arrested and then forcibly conscripted to go undercover into the Crimson Fleet (the space pirates), although I could’ve killed my way off the ship they brought me to if I wanted. Then the contact to get into the Crimson Fleet was actually the same person that gave the orders to attack that freighter I found! (There was an audiolog, because of course.) Sorry for going off on a tangent, I just felt like it would illustrate my point better than just saying “it good”

      I also probably have like 5 other quests in my quest log to go join some faction, some big factions, some small factions. And that’s without even going to the cyberpunk city.

      And so far I haven’t had to follow a dog for 20 minutes in search of a chainsmoker, so that’s already better than Fallout 4.

        52 years ago

        Please don’t apologize for the tangent. It’s giving me high hopes that I’m going to like the game despite the flaws and (probably mostly legit) criticism of reviewers.

        • Ser Salty
          22 years ago

          If you need a little more hope, I keep stumbling into cool and unique handcrafted locations and encounters all over the place, just doing side stuff, like, I just delivered two passengers and in doing so found two unique locations in the target star system. I originally feared it was mostly the three major cities getting the handcrafted stuff, but nope, there’s a ton of it out there.

          Yes, there’s a lot of loading screens, but, honestly, I hardly even realize they’re there because they are legitimately just like 2 seconds on PC.

            12 years ago

            Thanks, that’s pretty cool! I did fear that a lot of Bethesda’s traditional environmental storytelling would be gone.

        • Ser Salty
          22 years ago

          Honestly, I just keep kinda having that sort of look. Like, recently I was in need of Titanium, but all of the planets I found that had some were extreme environments I am not equipped for, so I couldn’t collect much. But I did stumble onto an an abandoned ship that just happened to be loaded with the stuff! Now, the crew on that ship also all died of a mysterious illness shortly after picking up the ore, but, hey, I need to mod my weapons.

          I also may have genocided some dinosaurs for another resource I had a hard time getting.

    • Ser Salty
      82 years ago

      The NMS gameplay is really only a tiny part of Starfield. It’s an RPG. Like, an actual, proper RPG, with tons of actual quests. If you were only interested in the NMS part, flying from planet to planet to scan wildlife and gather resources, sure, you don’t need Starfield, NMS will do ya just fine, but there is a fuckton more to the game than that.

      72 years ago

      And it has VR too! I think NMS and having actual Daggerfall doesn’t leave me any room to particularly care about Starfield. I don’t get the hype at all.

    122 years ago

    I actually like exploring the universe, but I’ve been pretty disappointed from what I’ve seen so far. They tried to add space-sim elements to it, but did a half-assed job at it. To make things worse, the planets are mostly barren and not worth exploring either.

    In saying that, it is a Bethesda gene, so I’m expecting some beefy mods that add more content and immersiveness to the game, and once that’s done, I may consider buying it when it goes on sale.

    In the meantime, I’m really looking forward to finally playing Cyberpunk as it was meant to be, with the new Phantom Liberty DLC.