I’d say we probably skew more towards 30s-40s a lot of us are transplants from other sites and have been around the block a few times - there are certainly younger folks too, but they had to somehow trip over fediverse tech through a fluke.
Yep, 37 here.
I found Digg just before the Exodus and hung around Reddit for a decade or so then split during the Reddit blackout.Don’t forget /.
I stayed around that one for way, way too long.
39 here, exact same backstory.
Wow. Same for me. Digg just before the implosion, then reddit for 10ish years then here. 52.
Similar age here.
Not into social media and Reddit now sucks.
I’m 27, and came here after the reddit blackout. Digg was before my time on the Internet. What was it like?
Did you have to peg me that hard before we’ve even met
It’s my usual ice breaker.
That’s a great point, we’ve been around the block so we’re less receptive to enshittification bullshit
Based on this poll with 599 participants from the german !ich_iel@feddit.org community, most of us are somewhere between 20 and 40 years old.
This is only a small fraction of lemmy users, maybe it just represents the age range of german meme enjoyers on lemmy, but I don’t know of any other poll with a sample size this big.
Also see stats from:
Which are pretty similar.
Yeah, prolly shifts older by 1 or 2 demographics, is my guess.
Two 13-15 year old users
Does Lemmy even have a minimum age or TOS?
Nope, Lemmy is just the software after all. It would be up to the individual instances to set up some kind of TOS or age verification.
There have been several polls. We’re older and more female than you think.
How female are you?
I’ve been feeling more female ever since I got here, but maybe there’s no correlation
Hey, Imaginary Percentages, cool!
To generate Complex Demographic on a Cartesian plane.
uh huh. That’s absolutely how women refer to themselves.
In that context it makes sense though, it’s being used as an adjective, as is “older”.
We’re not studying the breeding cycle of bats.
I would estimate
15% <25
60% 25-40
25% 40+
Y’all be showing your age sometimes 😅
I’m old as fuck. I definitely show my age as often as possible.
I showed my age in public and now I’m on a list… I keep getting AARP mailers.
The aarps mailers are great once this FEMA camps get going
Get off my lawn
Our lawn!
I’d agree with your breakdown. I’m early 40s and I feel like most people here are give or take 10 years of me
Awww man, I’m 2 years away from a bracket change… My knees hurt more now.
I’m 30, so naturally I assume everyone else is too
28 and same. A lot more millennial energy here than Gen z. Honestly Lemmy feels like 2012 reddit to me so I assume it’s mostly the same age group as me and a bit older. 🤷
I’m 31. From what I’ve seen, a large portion are around this age. I think there’s very few young people.
I think of 31 as pretty young.
Fair. I guess children would be a better word, although I also think it’s low on 18-25 at least too.
not completely correct! 19
Pretty sure everyone in the world is either 30, 60 or a child.
31, assume the same
There’s at least one 57 year old.
Do we have to be 57? I just wanted to be part of a counting train.
I’m 34, maybe if you’re 23 and you climb on my shoulders
It’s probably wiser if you climb on the 23 year old’s shoulders instead. They don’t need ibuprofen for back pain yet
deleted by creator
My steam account is nearly 20, lol
Had the same email address for 27 years…
Solid, and still your main? My Hotmail would be similar age, but it’s hardly used these days
My first browser was GOPHER.
0-100 I believe
85% neckbeards
Thanks, I almost forgot to shave 15% of my neck today!
I think mostly 30s and 40s based on the memes
I posted a thing from 8 bit theater and it got a lot of upvoted. Definitely old people.
Is this just our generation’s facebook? Damnit.
Well… at least we know how to use the internet i guess.
More like the original demographic of Facebook, before it went mainstream
And digg. And reddit. And myspace.
You’re not old unless you have knee pain.
How them knees feeling, Lemmy?
One of mine kind of sucks.
I stacked it on the kerb coming back from the shop the other day and both my knees are now bruised to fuck and have started creaking when I go to stand up. It’s taken my all not to refer to the incident as my having ‘had a fall’ too, for some reason.
I was hoping to at least get past my (current) mid thirties before the knee pain and geriatric language started creeping in.
I’m only in my mid-20s and sometimes feel pretty damn old. Proper body care is important. Don’t be pretty lazy and fairly sedimentary like me.
I’m 19!
Hi 19 I’m dad.
Not an expert but I believe it’s because they were born 19 years ago
Oh. Looks like I got whoooshed
It’s ok. It is, in my opinion, one of the lamest memes on the internet.
I’m also 19
Wow 👌 👏
deleted by creator
I’m 18 if that’s any help 🙃
Ayy, me 2
Seems like a young crowd to me based on the often naive and idealistic post replies. OTOH, I’m very often surprised that so many seem my age (50s).
I have no idea but I imagine most should be younger than I am (50+)
As a serious answer, I’d guess Lemmy skews younger. Too many idealists here to think the average user base has the wisdom that comes from experience.
Sorry, younglings. You’ll know when you get older: the long view clearly demonstrates optimism is a lie. History is a corkscrew. Progress is made, but only through endless repetitions of past mistakes.
“Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over thirty who is not a conservative has no brains.”
That’s a limerick conservative parents tell themselves to feel better about their rebellious kids.
And not what I’m talking about at all.
Honestly, it had more validity behind it in the '80s. When you were just starting out your career you didn’t have a house yet you didn’t have any wealth amassed, The ideals of the left really shown through. But once you got older and started having some money, the fiscal Republican ticket sold you on tax cuts and provided boosts to help certain investment opportunities. It was still mostly just bullshit to make themselves rich but there was some financial opportunity there. It’s pretty much long gone for middle-class advantage anymore though.
Things fascists say.