Nice try evil doppelgänger, nice try.
If I suddenly became a competent adult, I think it might tip people off.
What specific traits or habits do people close to you recognize that would reveal an impostor trying to mimic you?
They ask me what specific things would reveal themselves when they mimic me. Thats probably a red flag.
Well, I shoot myself in the head a lot. It’s a habit I’m trying to – whoops! There I go again.
Same. I am anxious that the alien dopplegangers will figure this out, though.
This is like one of those impossible “wife” questions with no good answer and no clean escape.
“Hey honey, if a clone of me ever replaced me, you’d be able to tell the difference right.”
“Of course dear”
“Well how”
“Umm, how about XYZ”
“What if they copied XYZ too”
“ZYX! Is that what you think of me!!”
Don’t answer this you fools!
Nice try, shapeshifting doppelganger. I already have one evil twin, thanks.
I am unable to speak using contractions.
Data? Or Lore???
gotta be Data. Lore could do it.
Personally, I never have my radio on in the car and I near-always back into parking slots.
Nice try AI.
I joke sometimes that if I had an evil clone you could find out which one of us it was by looking at our left arms; mine is slightly crooked because of a childhood injury
If I ate something in silence, my partner would likely notice something was off immediately. The sound of even my own chewing (mouth closed, ofc) triggers my misophonia
I make people answer Newlywed Game type questions with me, designate secret meeting spots and places to look for secret messages from me, and make up elaborate backstories just in case.
ETA- despite years of training for this, my husband’s answer was - An imposter would be able to wink with just one eye and finish a meal without spilling anything.
The way I pronounce the word “sorry” as well as my inflection whenever I’m speaking. Only my close friends whom I speak to in private know what my voice sounds like.
There are words I’ve made up that I jokingly use around friends. An impostor would not know about this as I speak to my friends privately and I never join chat servers, where bad actors could be eavesdropping. A wrong answer or “I don’t know” would out them as an impostor.
My art. I will deliberately make “mistakes” in my art that are subtle enough to not be seen by most people, but I will be able to tell if someone is trying to copy it. Map makers do something similar.
Other random details only my friends know about that’d immediately out an impostor once asked.
Re: bullet point 2, that’s called a familect if you weren’t already aware. I just love that word and that it’s a thing, because it feels like nobody really acknowledges how widespread it is. We just all walk around having our own secret languages only our loved ones understand.
I didn’t know about that but that was interesting to read about and now I know what it’s called, thank you! 😃
Well this obviously depends on how well informed my impostor is. But I would say my choice of sushi or breakfast would be among things that could out the doppelganger. Also my choice of drinks, the drink would probably out the doppelganger faster than the food.
Food related patterns would be pretty strong indicators for me as well, I think.
I only eat after 4pm (sometimes only from 6-10 or so) and people comment when I actually eat earlier than that, especially breakfast. I almost never use condiments or salt (I’m on a very low sodium diet and have been most of my life; I don’t use salt outside of baking, and that’s half salt). Give my dopple unsalted fries and you’ll know right away.
Drinks would work well for me as well - coffee made a very specific way, or room temp water, mostly (I actively dislike cold and hot water).