Yes, when I was completely wrong and someone else corrected me in a reply. It’s happened a handful of times. I don’t like to delete comments.
I think in that case I’d probably add an update to the comment. But downvoting yourself feels really honest somehow
Oh, I edit with a strikethrough or correction as needed. But that’s what downvotes are for, reducing the impact of irrelevant content.
But other people might make similar incorrect comments, better that your comment with the reply that makes a correction float to the top (for people who sort by upvotes). The best solution is probably editing if you have the time and upvoting the reply. Similarly I’ll upvote something incorrect if I reply to it but downvote if I don’t have the time to reply.
I edit my comment, but still keep the original wrong one in the edit. I want to admit what I did wrong.
Yes. When somebody else has a better take and I want it to be the top comment, I will downvote mine.
The hero we need etc
If I ever feel the need to downvote my own post, I would probably just as well delete it.
I see you like playing life on hard mode.
No. Any site that upvotes your post automatically is designed that way. It’s not like Facebook where liking your own comment is kind of like jerking yourself off for the lack of better words
In front of other people, too
Perfect words
Nah I only upvote comments and very rarely downvote. If I’m wrong I’ll just reply saying that i was wrong and concede the point.
Never, because I’m a very stable geenius.
My instance doesn’t allow me to :)
To downvote your own or to downvote anything at all?
I can’t downvote anything at all
Haha that’s one way to keep a positive attitude ^^
No. If anything I’d edit my post to better reflect what I was trying to communicate.
might as well keep my dumb comments up so I don’t make the same mistakes again
Yeah if I realize I’m factually wrong or being a dick for no reason and it’s too late to shadow edit I’ll state as such and note to the parent comment I’m wrong and downvoting myself. It’s more mature than just deleting your comment, which fuels the fantasy that you’re not talking to real people and can just take back anything you say and un-say it. Getting downvoted or murdered by words and then just deleting your comment is kinda cowardly and doesn’t allow you to grow IMO. If you (I) cared what people think maybe you should have thought about it more before you said it.
I don’t agree that deleting what you said is cowardly. Most people here have seen how Redditors try and weaponize the downvote button and even if someone does apologize someone else can miss it and rehash the same counter argument.
There’s no growth there. It’s just tedious.
Most of the time it’s not even a real argument or an answer to a deep moral question just a semi controversial opinion like arguing Arch Linux is a good beginner distro.
Well said
Brilliant. I was doing something similar but I like your style more.
I tested it to see what would happen a few days ago, since there are some platforms where downvoting your comment causes it to become deleted. Nothing happened, so I just went about my way.
No, because that’s dumb
I like to do it always because it is worth two votes.
I probably need to start downvoting my posts after finding a solution.