Protein+fat+carbs = cocaine of foods but like healthy since it has all the macros
A kebab (Berlin Donner ideally)
Protein and salad, minimal carbs compared to similar foods
Pizza - has all of the old food groups.
There are versions of pizza that can double qualify as real pizza and healthy, but there is also a lot of area remaining in each individual circle of that venn diagram. And some things incomprehensibly dubbed “healthy pizza” despite sitting comfortably outside both circles.
venn diagram, one circle is healthy, other is pizza, and third is healthy pizza
Strong broth.
Veggies, meats, marrow, spices, herbs, all boiled until the best things are in the water. If it’s not fortifying, I don’t know what is.
Lol what the fuck is fortifying? You drinking rpg elixirs 🤣
chugging ash yams and bloat like its the final days of the third era over here
K enriched
Also if you didnt already know nonway you would have spelled it correctly the first time lol
Alcohol free beer. Keeps you hydrated, and has loads of nutrients.
So does normal beer
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Last week I could feel my soul decomposing again and the only thing that helped was garlic bread.
Please tell me bruschetta was involved in the proceedings?
It was not, but I know it would have enhanced the effect.
Next-time, next-time
Pop tarts
Better be strawberry
Frosted strawberry
Peanut butter. It’s my main source of nutrition in the mornings and afternoons.
Watchout for those oxylates, I’ve heard too much peanut butter is hard on the liver and kidneys
Yup. It can also cause kidney stones..
Note that this normally wouldn’t be a problem, even if you eat a ton in one sitting sporadically, but if you consistently eat decent quantities of peanut butter you may rub into problems. A coworker intentionally at PB&J for their first three years after college to build up a nest egg and wound up in the hospital. Looking back, I wonder if this played a role.
For lunch at work or all the time?!?!
All the time, three meals a day
Jesus christ! I’m surprised he didn’t get diabetes or become prediabetic. That and having scurvy or some shit .
Depends on your definition, but most foods are healthier than not eating.
It’s funny because calorie restriction is actually the only scientifically proven method to increase longevity across a wide range of organisms, from mammals to simple unicellular organisms like yeast.
Calorie restriction is not the same as not eating.
Not eating is calorie restriction
Prove it
I’d rather not stop eating…
protein+fat+carbs = the macronutrients
Simply thinking about macronutrient misses the bigger picture.
Proteins aren’t created equal - they’re our source of amino acids, nine of which are essential because our bodies can’t produce them. Different protein sources have varying amino acid profiles. While quinoa and beef both provide protein, only beef is considered a “complete” protein with all essential amino acids in optimal ratios.
Fats aren’t created equal either, the type of fat matters tremendously. Trans fats have been definitively linked to heart disease and inflammation, while monounsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil are associated with increased longevity.
Carbs, guess what? Not all carbohydrates affect your body the same way. Simple sugars and refined starches can spike blood glucose levels, potentially leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes over time. In contrast, resistant starches (found in foods like cooled potatoes and green bananas) act more like fiber, supporting gut health and providing steady energy.
You could be eating the exact same ratio of carbs:fats:proteins and have radically different health outcomes depending on what you are eating.
And this doesn’t even address the vitamins and minerals essential for everything from bone health to immune function.
The key isn’t just the macro numbers - it’s the actual foods you’re eating.
Million dollar question: So what do you think about cheesecake?
I don’t think about cheesecake. I’ve done my zen training. Cheesecake is for eating.
Diet Coke. It’s totally fine, I’m sure.
In your heart of hearts, do you really believe its all good?
I believe aspartame is highly tested and safe in the amount I drink. Same with dyes in food. Healthy? Maybe not. Perfectly safe? Yeah.
I do find it funny when people do quote it’s bad for you based off a new study.
You then look at the study and it’s like ‘we gave mice 5x the amount of safe human consumption and the mice started acting oddly’
Beef Tea. At least according to many Victorians.
I was like “WTF? I’ve never even heard of beef tea and I’ve lived in Victoria my whole life!” Then I clicked the link. 🤦
Haha that’s great, I didn’t even consider that possible point of confusion.
Side note, way too many things were named after one lady.
Naked Green Machine
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Hummus. I have no evidence to support this but I reckon I could live for quite a long time just eating hummus.
I could live off only bread and hummus my entire life.
What does humnus taste closest to in terms of normal other foods?
It’s like a creamy dip with a nice Umami flavour. I figure a direct comparison.
Usually you add extra spices to flavor it any way you want, garlic, lemon etc
Like, is it similar to guac?
In a way!
Thank you in my way!
I hope you know i bought it for the first time so I’ll be testint ur suggesth. Better work out haha