Short answer: Fuck them
Long answer: Too bad they’re important for our ecosystem. But still, fuck them
I’d advice against that.
How important do you think they are? I hate mosquitoes but I think they are critical. Wasps on the otherhand don’t seem to be a big part of the food chain but make life hell for most large animals.
To be clear, I don’t think wiping out any nuisance bug is good as the consequences typically accumulate down the food chain but some I suspect may have far less impact.
Afaik, their most important role is pest control because they eat tons of other insects. They are also very important pollinators. IIrc, third most important after flies and wild bees(not honey bees).
I hate them too, but they are a critical part of our ecosystem.
great for a healthy ecosystem
but keep the hell away from them
They’re cool af. Look at those colours! And the ergonomics.
I leave water bowls for them during summer.
They’re not exactly friendly but when you observe them enough you can judge if you’re annoying them and should gtfo. Most of the time they just mind their own business.
That’s pretty dope.
I just think many humans don’t grasp the concept that we can also piss something else off and should gtfo out of their area.
Especially since we make more and more parts of this planet our areas.
I agree, I am scared shitless of wasps, but I’ve started looking at them and now I can a) see whether it actually is a wasp, not a funky bee or smart fly, that helps. Then indeed, leave them to their business and they will generally leave you aline as well. It’s also important which phase of their life it is, they generally get more aggressive later in the year.
Still am scared shitless but I love them too <3Other than mosquitoes, wasps are the only other bug I know that will seek you out because they need protein and have the means to take it from you. Most other bugs will try and avoid you.
They are doubly bad in that they can make life hell for larger wildlife. They are relentless and result in pain and irritation akin to torture. I see them on deer and horses often where they will focus on their ears with multiple wasps taking bites in the same location.
I see the necessity of every bug in a ecosystem that evolved over millions of years but that is the one and only bug that I think has less impact IMO while really making a hard existence even more difficult. I do nothing to help them exsist.
Several flies will seek you out to bite you. Horse flies, for example. Not to mention ticks & lice & mites & other parasites.
White, Anglo Saxon protestants are fine. I usually try to associate with atheists, agnostics, or the generally unchurched, but you do you, right?
Always good to have diversity after all, and WASPs are part of that diversity! (Wait until they learn that, they’ll lose their minds!)
They are good, but get the fuck out of my face!
Yellowjackets are annoying, but I got a colony of 5-banded Wasps that conglomerate on my trees every late summer- hundreds of males just hanging out, showing off their sweet bods while the ladies fly by perusing selections for mating. They’re chill AF and not a pain.
But I mean, there are over a hundred thousand wasp species, and Yellowjackets are what most people think of when you say “wasp”, but as annoying as they are, don’t let them color your opinions on the otherd
Proof that god doesn’t exist. Proof that if I’m wrong and god does exist, he’s a fucking asshole not worthy of any worship.
God is whimsical, cruel, and all powerful. The core message isn’t worship but rather respect.
Yeah no thanks, fuck that too
I hate them. I fucking hate them.
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I would love them if they had a concept of personal space, or a survival instinct that told them not to get up in someone biggers face.
As I’ve aged, I’ve lost the ability to hear them too, so now they love to sneak up on me.
The world is better off without them.
fuck em all
If they get near me? Death to them.
Otherwise? Go enjoy that environment bro
I’m fine with them until they start building their home on my home. You will die a breathless death with my spray if you build on my house.