This game…

I love it. I love how true it is to the (Bethesda, et al) spirit of the Fallout series. I love the humour, the clever touches, the obvious love with which it was crafted.

But holy fuck, the bugs. The bugs, the bugs, the fucking quest-breaking BUGS!!!

Also, the “FO4 too easy? We’re going to make this incomprehensible” attitude.

Let’s consider companions. First companion was Churchill, followed shortly by Archie then Arthur. I was travelling with Arthur when I finished Archie’s questline, and then shortly after, I finished Arthur’s as well. Then Arthur swapped his massive gun for melee, so I dumped him.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t re-join with Archie. After every interaction, he goes into an unclickable merchant menu, and you can’t get him to join you no matter what.

Back to Arthur then. I sent him to Biggs Airport, and…he’s not there! FUCK!

Kiera? As soon as I didn’t sign on, she went to a location I can’t yet reach!

Fine, I’ll solo it. Except that the Roundels are stuck in the basement of the bar, which breaks THREE SEPARATE QUESTS!

We’ll see if 1.02 fixes any of this shit, but I honestly can’t play anymore. Everything - EVERYTHING - in the game is broken for me now.

  • ms.lane
    6 months ago

    Everything is fixable with console commands-

    First, try force dismissing broken companions, you’ll need to get their refid first though (so maybe load an older save, or just search for the refid with the help command - ie. help mountbatten 4 npc to search for ‘mountbatten’ in refids that are classed as ‘npc’)

    For reference, since I have it written on a post-it in front of me, Mountbatten is 082c1edc (08 may be different if londonworldspace.esm is in a different slot)

    To force-dismiss Mountbatten-

    prid 082c1edc
    setconsolescopequest followers
    emptyrefalias companion
    setplayerteammate 0

    To move Mountbatten to you-

    082c1edc.moveto player

    Try to get Mountbatten to join again normally, if he doesn’t, to force-enlist a companion-

    prid 082c1edc
    setconsolescopequest followers
    forcerefintoalias companion
    setplayerteammate 1
    • DarkSirrush
      226 months ago

      Console commands should not be a requirement to play a game that they claimed was in a releasable state. Also, some players are on a steam deck, where console commands are difficult to make use of on the go.

    316 months ago

    Now I’m honestly kind of glad that I’ve been too lazy/depressed to figure out how to get FOLON to run on Linux. I really hope they fix all this…

      56 months ago

      Yeah I tried getting it running on my Steam Deck and when the launcher kept telling me it couldn’t find Fallout 4 I just uninstalled them both. Not worth the storage space and hassle.

    216 months ago

    Probably a spaghetti code mod on top of an already terrible game engine. It was bound to become buggy. Even Bethesda themselves can’t be arsed to fix their engine and games.

    116 months ago

    I gave up on it for now when the questline involving the NPC learning to write broke, and then I started crashing to desktop (without any logs anywhere, either in the Buffout directory or even in Windows’ Event Viewer) every time I left the Swan or fast traveled directly to it, even though traveling to another point literally fifty feet south worked just fine. And since there’s no logs describing the crash, I have no idea how to fix it.

    I could probably fix it by uninstalling and re-downloading it again, but I have a goddamn data cap that my roommate already blows through every month with the fucking massive updates Fallout 76 has taken to pushing out, I have zero desire to download 60 GB of data (30 GB base game + 30 GB FOLON) every fucking time I sneeze wrong and make the game start crashing again. =|

  • 100
    106 months ago

    creation engine quests are too easy to break as the game gives you lots of freedom to mess with progression and characters, eventually someone finds another edge case

    if you dont test the fuck out of them they will bug out in some way