I have recently jumped head first into the Linux space. I’ve installed Arch on my daily driver and I’ve become overwhelmed/overjoyed with my options. I’d like to hear from the community about your Linux favorites.
What is your favorite Terminal Emulator and what have you done to customize it?
Also using this one for years now, don’t see a reason to change, although I see some “foot” in conjunction with wayland quite often.
Second, gotta love the new rust based tools and apps getting developed. Although I’ve seen some weird formatting issues on windows. Linux version is solid though.
Alacritty is also the terminal that feels small and focused enough for me. Too many other terminals try to do everything like session management, etc.
I like how the +1 of OG Reddit made it to Lemmy, but without the downvote hate of current Reddit. I’ve always seen those comments as more than just an upvote. An upvote can be a “+1”, but also a “thank you for your contribution”. A +1 is only a +1.
Also +1 for kitty
I only changed the colors and the font to Fira Code.
+1 , works great on my wayland setup
Wezterm for me, I like the multiplexer that comes with it.
It works cross platform on every machine including windows with a single lua config and the documentation feels complete.
I’m happy with Konsole. Don’t think I’ve customized it any. TEs by and large just get the job done.
I looked quite a bit. Konsole is king for me.
My only complaint is the SSH profiles don’t always work as intended, but that’s just a theming thing.
Switched from alacritty after using it for a year or two to foot. Does what it’s supposed to well, and not a bunch of other shit
Yeah, foot is really fast even without server mode.
Seconded, easy to use, easy to configure and does what it’s supposed to do.
Care to elaborate what alacritty does differently than foot?
It’s written in C and is a bit more minimalist. Builds faster than alacritty, and is pretty even with alacritty in perf.
Alacritty is written in rust. 😎
if Xorg,foot
if Wayland.if you switch often, you might like kitty (it works for both)
I like urxvt with i3
Urxvt seemed to be the fastest of them all. Definitely my favourite.
Yeah! That’s why I like it. Lots of specific configuration, and it has a plugin system with some good plugins, too!
Any plugins you may recommend?
Yes it is the fastest, I test it from time to time and it is always on top. Use bitmap fonts for more speed.
urxvt ftw!
I use Yakuake and Konsole since they came along with KDE Plasma. I’ve never really thought about using anything else, but maybe I should…
I’ve tried tons over the years and I always keep going back to yakuake.
I don’t do much customizing at the terminal. Currently I use
, andst
. Every few years I go through a searching-for-the-perfect-terminal and get frustrated at various shortcomings.The perfect terminal is the vt320. (I keep one plugged in to my router, since I can reach any machine from there.)
I use kitty and alacritty most important thing is editting the dot profiles in bash or zsh to get color codes for things and autocorrection.
I second kitty. I switched from urxvt to konsole to get support for ligatures. Then I switched to kitty because it also has ligatures, it’s faster than konsole, and it’s easier to configure with version-controlled files.
I don’t do very much customization: font, line spacing, color scheme, and a couple of custom key bindings.
How do you get modern kitty on ubuntu based distros? I’m on pop os and there are no ppas or packages within the last few years
Lunar Lobster has 0.26.5, which is from November. Coulda gone with something a little fresher, but it isn’t that severely out of date.
I also use Kitty with the Fish shell and the Tide plugin. Looks quite fancy compared to the standard terminal.
I use kitty. I don’t use its multiplexer features, but I do use its emoji picker a lot.
Yakuake. <3 drop down terminals.
I also love me some drop down terminals!
I personally use Tilda… because it allows me to drop it down using just the ` key, and the background transparency actually works (unlike Yakuake) on my distro.
I have it bound to capslock. What else am I going to use that key for?
Damn. That’s actually a good idea! +1
Hell yea
Used to be termite for its minimalist feature. Now that it’s gone I move on to Wezterm. Occasionally I use alacrity to connect to armbian nodes because it can’t recognize wezterm. I hate kitty, not because of the terminal itself, but the dev. There is a snarky comment at github issue made by kitty’s dev when people request for a termite-like feature. It drove me to uninstall kitty straight away.
Gnome terminal. I’m just used to it.