This is not meant to be discriminatory. Every cat is beautiful, but which which color do you personally prefer?

I personally like orange cats or orange/white mix, but I couldn’t find one at the rescue that was set up at PetSmart so I was depressed, lonely and I was desparate for the love of cats got so I just adopted a tabby brown cat.

My least preferred colors are pure white or pure black cats, but I somehow still like a mix white/black cat. I mean, if one showed up to my door and was friendly and had a great personality, I’d take him/her in, but I probably wouldn’t be looking for those color of cats if I were looking to adopt a cat in a shelter/rescue.

Are you being a bad person by picking cats based on their color? To be honest, if there was an orange cat at the PetSmart I’d likely not have chosen my tabby brown. I kinda feel horrible for thinking this way, but I mean, it’s just like this weird feeling, this attachment to specific color cats. I just loved orange cats so much. But once I gotten to know my tabby brown, I now prefer tabby browns as much as orange cats.

Again, every cat is beautiful, but I just have weird preferences for some over others for some odd reason.

Edit: To be clear, I was looking for ANY cats, but I wanted an orange one if possible, but if not, I would’ve taken ANY cat. I didn’t care that much, I just wanted some cuddles with a warm little fellow living being.

  • Xariphon
    452 years ago

    I always try to rescue black cats because of the stigma around them and how people mistreat them. I love my shiny voids.

  • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
    272 years ago

    I’ve had multiple cats throughout my life for the past 50 plus years.

    As an adult, I’ve had several cats of all varieties of colors. One of my longest living cats was an all black. His name was Knight.

    Fairly recently, I owned a beautiful calico named Autumn based off the colors of leaves in the fall season. When she passed away I had the crazy idea of getting an all white cat so I could call it Winter.

    So in November of 2022 I found an 11-year-old from a shelter that had been in that shelter for one year. All white and very beautiful and loving. I included a photo to pay the cat tax.

  • HousePanther
    202 years ago

    Having a preference is not morally wrong. It’s part of being human. I happen to have a strong affinity for all black cats. But I am still a cat lover at heart and my guess is so are you.

  • Earl Turlet
    182 years ago

    I like black because it accentuates the goofy faces cats make sometimes. I also just like the way they look in general.

    Practically, it’s easy to see when there’s something in their fur and when it needs brushing.

    As a bonus, they’re easy to adopt. Every shelter seems to have a bunch.

  • thanevim
    2 years ago

    So here’s my perspective: you should get a cat you’ll love, because that cat will need to depend on you for care. Not going to be a great relationship if 2-5 years down the road you find yourself sighing, reminding yourself that “it’s for the internet” and/or “I’m not a cat racist” / some other bullshit as you sign the credit card bill for $50/mo in cat food, litter, cleaning supplies, etc, or worse, $500+ in vet fees to treat an illness.

    No, you need to love your cat because you love your cat. Not because a rando on the internet said you’re morally obligated to love any/all cats.

      42 years ago

      $50/mo in cat food

      That is some expensive cat food. I buy a 6,5kg bag for 50 euros and that lasts my cat 5 months. And it’s no cheap stuff, comparatively, either.

      • Matengor
        42 years ago

        We combine wet and dry food for 2 very small cats, and we probably pay 60€ / month. If we’d buy the high quality tier, it would be easy too spend 150€ and more. Location: Germany. It’s easy to spoil your pets around here.

      • thanevim
        22 years ago

        To be fair, I did have a comma after that. The $50 included litter, which should be changed at least every 2 weeks, and is currently about $18 for the stuff that works best in my household.

  • fiat_lux
    122 years ago

    Black cat fur is easiest to conceal on my clothing without spending a half hour lint-rolling everyday. That’s about the only preference I maybe have.

    I love all cats, they’re all little weirdos. I don’t much like the idea of preferencing people and animals for purely cosmetic reasons, and the idea of assigning personality types to coat colours also makes me uncomfortable. I just don’t know if there’s any evidence for that correlation, and the concept hits too close to home for me. I also am not a fan of breeding for cosmetics.

    I still enjoy the images that come from oneorangebraincell, because I like seeing any cats doing silly things.

  • I forgive you lol, and your cat doesn’t have to because it will never know. Nothing wrong with liking a certain kinda cat. I like cats with piercing yellow eyes

    112 years ago

    I think my favourite is jet black for cat fur. But being honest I like the coat of bengals the most, and they’re a tabby type. Lilac burmese running up second.

    You do you. People choose cats for whatever reason. Some don’t want long haired, some want a specific sex, some want them to be friendly and won’t adopt a cat that doesn’t greet them first. What matters is that you love and take care of your pet.

    92 years ago

    When my wife and I are looking for a cat we are looking for their personalities.

    Our oldest is a void, we were at a local shelter and she was just immediately so outgoing, reaching her paw to us from the cage, meowing at us. It was an open adoption weekend so there were a lot of people there, turns out we asked to adopt her just 15 minutes before someone else wanted to take her home.

    The second is a calico who’s mama was caught in a trap and release program. My friend who works for the program fostered the litter and posted a picture of the tiniest calico fluff ball and when I went to meet her she was an instant friend, she’s lying between my legs right now, she sleeps with me every night.

    The youngest is a Hemingway that came from a different shelter, he was so scared when we met him, but you could tell that he was friendly if he could be comfortable. He turned into my wife’s lap cat, though she’s not a fan of when he sits with his back to her so his puffy tail is in her face.

    You might be missing out on a wonderful friend if you go in just looking at them for their coloring.

    That said my dad has 4 orange dummies, so different strokes and all that

  • BananaPeal
    72 years ago

    Nothing wrong with having a preference, but don’t exclude any kitty just because it’s not the right color you may miss out on the best kitty ever.

    We went to a cat shelter for a specific black and white kitten. We went home with his orange and white brother. His name is Gizmo.

    72 years ago

    Um… all of them.

    Torties are the best. Obviously. Hands down. All the tortitude that spills out of them is hilarious.