Watchmen. I planned on watching it in 2010 and look where we are now. Still haven’t seen it. I promise I’ll get to it… Haha.
The Godfather. It would be crazy to go through my life without ever seeing it, given that it’s considered one of the best movies of all time. But I know I’m going to be disappointed because I can never empathize with or care about what happens to gangsters or unlikeable characters in movies. I saw Goodfellas and thought it was boring. I pushed through all of Breaking Bad waiting for it to get good, but it just got more and more tragic. Same with The Departed. So, I have no hope for The Godfather.
Threads (1984) by Mick Jackson
Not sure who recommended it to me, but IMDB says its about “[t]he effects of a nuclear holocaust on the working class city of Sheffield, England and the eventual long-term effects of nuclear war on civilization.” Didn’t have a lot of motivation to seek it out, but it has great ratings. Top review says “Very few films have the ability to suck the life out of a viewer and leave them feeling drained and shaken in quite the same way that this does.” Yeah, so I’m not sure if I will ever be in the mood for that to be honest.
it’s on youtube
imagine Shakespeare tragedy where everyone dies but as a narrated documentary. it’s freaking depressing…
as a brit raised on US apocalyptic films, it was genuinely jarring to see what looked like my home town undergoing a nuclear war in a realistic fashion.
Normally I watch these films and think “oh those poor people”, but this was the first I thought something else.
A friend of mine for weekly movie night started this habit with his family where every time they watched a movie, the next week, they’d watch the movies advertised in the DVD previews, exponentially growing their movie list. They began with Kiki’s Delivery Service (I think) and ended (to my knowledge) with some random Japanese movie with English closed captions about three women and a girl who accidentally gets drunk and reveals when drunk that she is worried about one of the women moving, but they don’t and the movie ends with them walking along a beach (feel free to tell me the name).
Anyways, of the movies, there are several the library did not have because it runs on contributions.
My first movie on my list is Sound of Metal.
@TehBamski Thanks for the tip. Didn’t know about this film yet. 🤘
Are you looking for more movie suggestions? I have plenty!
This is probably a bit silly, but everything I’ve seen or heard Riz Ahmed in- he’s been great, except for Aladdin. I guess it was a problem with the script and/or direction but his Jafar was so boring 🥱
Dunno about first, but the top of the list is Zero Hour, as part of an Airplane! marathon
I apparently need to clean up my list. I use Letterbox now, migrated from ImDB a few years ago so the oldest all have the same “added to list” date.
That bucket of transfers from my old IMDB list include:
Timothy Chalamet’s Wonka - watched it already and forgot to log it
Drive - same
Borderlands - just released
Blade - new one as part of MCU, supposedly out next year but I’m noticing very few names attached to it
Project Hail Mary - not out yet
Wild - the idea of tiny Reese Witherspoon hiking with a massive backpack tickles my funny bone, just haven’t gotten around to it
All Quiet on the Western Front - I think I’ll have to be in a particular mindset to watch this and it hasn’t happened yet
Hush - will probably watch it in another month or two as Halloween nears, aka Mike Flanagan season
Sicario. Not the first movie but it’s been on my list for years.
Same dude. I just haven’t been in the mood to watch a movie with a ton of gunfights and death involved. It’s a more heavy hitting movie as well.
What was the last movie you watched?
I think the last movie we watched was Oppenheimer, and before that it was Guardians of the Galaxy. How about you?
I recently watched Alita: Battle Angel. I enjoyed it. Before that, I watched Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scaregiver. I had watched part 1 and actually found it pretty good. So I figured that I might as well get around to watching part 2, more in the sake of finishing what I had started. I did not enjoy part 2. I looked into what others had said about it and one of the dumbest ‘reports’ was that there might be a “Snyder Cut” for both parts coming later. Which I found to be extremely dumb if Netflix/Snyder had actually planned for this. Doubt it, who knows what the heck is gonna happen on this weird AF timeline we’re on.
Not sure about first, but the top 3 that remain as the beginning are:
- Wonderwoman 1984
- The Guilty
- Searching
Inside Out 2
Les Diaboliques (1955)
Couldn’t find it anywhere, so it’s still at the top of the list.
IMDB shows that you can watch it from a few places.
There are many encodes floating around and even a full bluray copy (criterion collection) on… but I’m curious, how come it’s at the top of your list?
Long time ago I wrote down a lot of movies to watch. I was able to watch many, but that one is the oldest in my list that I couldn’t find. Oh, and thanks for the pointer!
The oldest still on my watchlist since 2012 when I joined Letterboxd is Enter The Void. I’m just never in the mood for that one.
Oh I feel yeah on this one. I loosely attempted many years ago to watch it but only got about seven minutes in and decided to find something else to watch. Then five years ago, I put in a serious effort to watch it. Got to about the 25 minute mark. It was a heavy hitter drama movie and I just couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I might try to watch it, but it more now on my watch after ‘The List’ (of over 400 movies,) is completed.
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