Cancer. Always ruins my day
Can confirm, annoying as fuck
When a bug keeps flying by your ear but it’s too small and fast to swat away
Or when they fly into your ear and start laying eggs and the eggs hatch and all you can hear is the sound of you being eaten alive from the inside.
I’m starting my attack run
Man that’s always so annoying.
Then you try faster and hit yourself. And there’s no-one to blame but that fucking insect.
Tribalist politics
Tribalism as a whole.
Everyone already posted what I initially though so: Toxic positivity, the whole “no criticism allowed, only good thoughts” crowd. I’m not going to directly point fingers, but some instances on Lemmy have a severe case of this.
That’s funny, I would put that in like 5th place, and was going to say constant complaining. We had to go back to the office (hybrid if you want but at least 3 days a week they said) I expected some degree of complaints but the 2 men who sit next to me complain incessantly all day. All day.
when people park their cart across an entire aisle at the supermarket making it so there’s no way to get around them.
And then leave it in the front of the parking spot, where you can’t see it until you’ve committed to pulling in. Forcing you to back out, gesturing towards the windshield to communicate to the guy that was waiting for you to pull all the way in (who now has to stop to let you out and know you’ll beat him to another spot since you’re in front) that some jackass left a cart in the spot and it’s not your fault!!
Just move their cart.
Nine times out of 10 I just push the cart with my car, and I drive a nice-looking car so it always catches people off guard.
You shouldn’t be driving a car in the supermarket. They do provide those motorized carts you can ram carts with though
Ahaha, well I completely misread this. I thought we were talking about carts blocking spaces in the parking lot for some reason.
It also happens I guess :) When people are inconsiderate, you get random weirdness in public spaces…
Burgers that are too tall for my mouth. Don’t tease me when I’m hungry.
An itch that you can’t scratch for some reason.
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Long rambling voice mails. I promise I will call you back as soon as I am free and you can tell me all about it.
No matter how many times I tell my father that I will not listen his voicemails he still does it. Hi crackhappy. This is your dad. It’s ummm let’s see. Friday the 20th at about… 10:15 am. I’m here at the hardware store and I there is this tool I was looking at that I wondered you could help me get a cheaper price on. This tool is just like my dad used to use in 1954, with my uncle hap. Hap was a sailor in the merchant Marines in world war I, and the name of his boat was… Hold on a second I’ll get it. Oh right, it was the Jenny Marie. this is but a small sample of the voicemails he leaves
Do you ever listen to the end to see if he tied an onion to his belt? It would be hilarious if he was doing a bit from The Simpsons
When he dies you’re gonna miss that shit. I’d reccomend saving a couple of those voicemails.
That’s a good point. I have a few videos I’ve taken of us sitting and chatting by the pool in Bali, camping in the Sierra Nevada, christmas in St. Croix, and thanksgiving at my grandma’s house, but I think you’re right, I should save some of that super mundane stuff too.
Save those!
Hey Bones, this is Jackby, it’s about 2 AM on Friday and I was just calling to chat. I guess you’re asleep. Guess that makes sense. It’s 2 AM. I was just talking with the others about something I couldn’t remember the name of and thought you might know, what’s that thing that’s really annoying? You always used to talk about it. Yeah, yeah, I’m leaving them a voice mail! They didn’t answer. I think they’re asleep. Crazy stuff. Sorry about that. Anyways, what was I saying? HA! You can’t hear me, I’ve got to figure it out on my own… Hmmm… OH! Annoying stuff! You used to be annoyed by something. I was trying to remember but I couldn’t do I called you. Anyways, call me back. Thanks! Bye!
Unstable coffee shop tables. Just make them 3 legged and be done with it.
Im not sure I understand, aren’t tables usually wobbly because a leg is a different height than the rest from being bent or something?
In that case, couldn’t a 3 legged table also have a leg that isn’t quite the right height?
If there are three legs, and one is a different height, the table won’t wobble but the top will be slanted. Probably still not ideal at a coffee shop, but at least it won’t move!
Oooh, I see what you mean, yeah, that does make sense!
Unless you’re sharing the table with someone - then you’ll get some seesaw action!
Never connected those dots before… Now I’m also wondering why most tables aren’t 3-legged. Too easy to knock over maybe?
It’s harder to get 4 people around the table with 3 legs. Someone will have a table leg between their legs. You don’t have the problem with 4 legs.
People stopping dead in the middle of a walkway
-especially while engaged on a device.
Clueless drivers with zero self-awareness leaving a path of almost accidents wherever they go because everyone has to entirely re-route about the perimeter of their fucking car.
Where I live we have crazy wide streets in the right lane so if you’re making a right turn there’s all the space in the world to scoot over and make your turn without slowing down traffic, but these monsters have the IQ of a rock and decide to slam their brakes (no signal of course) then take six years to slowly turn into whatever parking lot they’re headed toward.
Screaming children
And google
And Meta
And any shady no name third-party tracking company
leaf blowers
I cycled past some communal workers blowing leafs with an electric leafblower and holy shit the difference to a gas powered one is monumental. It‘s so incredibly quiet it didn‘t bother me at all.
It seems as for some people, leaves are more annoying
Broom? Rake?
Where I live gas powered ones are banned but if you say anything you’re racist so I keep my mouth shut.
But fuck do I hate them, without warning they just crank them up and I have to go all around closing all the doors/windows I have open; the gas smell still comes inside so then I’ve got to run an air purifier for like six hours.