8% of 50 is 50% of 8
American cars having their brake lights and turn signals be the same light is stupid and dangerous.
That chiropractic care is not evidence based
For people who don’t know, the theory of chiropractics is that the light of God somehow shines into the human body through the top of the head, travels down the spine, and on through the nerves. If you can just fix any blockages (aka “subluxations”) in that flow then it will be impossible for disease to exist in the body. Because God’s light.
The founder of chiropractics was told this information by a ghost.
I know some people swear by chiropractic adjustments, but this is information I wish I’d known when I had my back injury because going to a chiropractor set my recovery back by at least three years. And the money I lost to that quack could have paid for not only the legit physical therapist that actually got me feeling better, but probably a decent massage chair too.
Wow, I knew chiropractors were quacks, but I didn’t know it was this bad. Thanks for sharing this; I’m sorry that you didn’t have this information when you most needed it.
Depends on what you mean by that. PTs can use chiropractic techniques to great effect.
But there is a MASSIVE difference between an actual PT that sometimes uses specific chiropractic techniques and the con artists who try to shake your down for weekly neck cracks.
I thought PT was chiropractic.
PT is evidence based, chiropracty is woo. PT goal is to get you better and stop PT or teach you how to do it on your own. Chiropractors want you to come back for the rest of your life.
The stuff they do that works is stuff that a physiotherapist will do, just go see the expert.
I think you’ve just reconciled two things:
Internet always says chiropractors are quacks
Multiple reasonable people IRL have praised their own chiropractors
Someone can praise their chiropractor, in the end that’s anecdotal and then I could point to all the people that have become paralyzed due to chiros.
All of them are quacks because most of what they do to people is bullshit and potentially harmful, it just happens that they sometimes also do some things that are actually ok but it’s methods employed by an actual medical field.
I’ve been cracking my own neck and back since I was 14/15, never had to pay for fake doctors
“Homeopathic” does not mean organic, or good for you, natural, wholesome, effective, or inherently safe to consume.
It is, in fact, a code word for no active ingredient.
Omg I remember having this argument with my friends. “Well there are some home remedies that work, modern medicine doesn’t have a monopoly on all knowledge” OK but homeopathic medicine just means its water, plain water that remembers being able to cure a disease, its fake “Yeah but they’re not all like that some of them work, my grandma would use a half of an onion to take the pain out of bee stings” jfc I’m literally not talking about that, I’m talking about water sold as medicine that is covered by most major insurance! look it up!
Water? Over here it’s just a plethora of sugar pearls.
A little while ago, people were complaining incognito mode didn’t do what they thought it did.
You cannot achieve any good by hurting people.
People are so convinced that if we’re more cruel to criminals, they’ll stop committing crimes, or if we’re harsher to workers, we’ll work harder, or if you’re tough on border controls, immigrants will go away. It does not work and it cannot work.
Idk, if someone’s trying to do a mass shooting, a little intervention could do some good.
Less good than helping the shooter before they went over the Rubicon…I think that’s the point.
Alright but there are people who currently exist who are already over the Rubicon. Ideal future utopias aside, force must be met with force.
God isn’t real. No deities exist. Stop being delusional.
Not voting doesn’t stop an election.
We heard you the first time
When did I say this the first time?
Just saying the ‘vote blue no matter who’ crowd is larger than ever this year. It’s definitely disheartening for a leftie like myself
Ahh… well, in fairness- the ‘don’t vote in protest and expect things to change for the better as a result’ crowd is more annoying than ever this year, so it’s probably because of that.
How corporations use advertisements to influence how the media reports on their activities. Prime example is how BP ran all those “We’re Sorry” ads when they poisoned the Gulf of Mexico. They weren’t apologizing to the public. They were using the ads to pass bribes to the news agencies to make sure to give them soft coverage when they should have been ranking them over the coals.
When changing lanes or turning you are supposed to use the turning signal before doing the manouver. The turning signal is supposed to warn other drivers that you are going to do something. It doesn’t make any sense to use the turning signal when already mid-turning or while already changing lanes. Many drivers don’t seem to know that.
The left lane is for passing. If you’re not passing somebody, move over to the right lane. It’s not that hard people
Left lane… on the highway maybe. In the city it is definitely usable for navigation purposes, getting to the intended destination.
In the city it is definitely usable for navigation purposes, getting to the intended destination.
So is the right lane. If you’re driving the same speed as the car in front of you, you have no reason to use the left lane. Unless you’re making a left turn. Right?
I dont agree, I use the left lane frequently to not have a car in front of me. Increases visibility and security a lot, and just gives a nice feeling of not being blocked.
I do drive a bit faster than cars in the right lane almost always though.
It is better to have angry drivers behind you?
No I drive fast enough to never have cars behind me. :) So Im actually not part of the problem the thread was discussing, with drivers just driving the same speed in the left lane. That is really frustrating when people do that.
I would go as far as saying that this behavior of driving faster in the left lane helps to make traffic flow a lot better and avoid congestion. But it’s not legal.
stronger products need less advertising, so an over-advertised product is likely inferior.
The current system of getting a job is horrifyingly toxic, broken and inefficienct
The problem with some bad systems is that people recognize the system as bad, but can’t create a better system.
What would a better system look like?
For one, I think that you should be told when you’re rejected from a job. The uncertainty of waiting is one of the worst parts of job hunting in my opinion, and it’s made worse by the fact I can’t just assume that if I haven’t heard anything, I haven’t got the job, because some places have hiring processes that seem to last for months. I get that if you’re offered a job months down the line, they probably hired someone else, fired them and are now moving down their list of next best candidates, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to keep people in the dark for so long.
That you need to wash your hands after going to the bathroom. I’ve seen too many grown men walk straight out of the restroom after urinating.
I feel so nasty if I don’t wash my hands after using the bathroom.
I’m not a germaphobe, but I refuse to touch bathroom handles. I will grab a paper towel and use it to turn on and off the faucet and open the bathroom door.
After COVID this is the only way I greet anyone.
Family gatherings get a little awkward.
Well, urine is sterile, and if only touch the door in and out of the bathroom, washing doesn’t always seem necessary. If you get pee on your hands, then by all means. But if the only option is air blades for hand drying, you’re better off not washing. Those literally lace your hands in fecal matter when used in a public restroom.
Urine isn’t sterile. While it’s true that paper towels are better than dryers, drying your hands (even with a dryer) is better than not drying. Washing your hands is, obviously, better than not washing your hands.
If you don’t wash your hands you’re already in the worst case. It makes no sense to complain about the methods of drying available.
Other peoples fecal matter will contain many forigen bacteria, and these microbes are proven to coat the hands of people after using air driers. My apologies about the sterile urine comment. Nonetheless, you’d be in a better situation with bacteria on your hands from your own pee vs from a strangers feces. One’s apart of your microbiota, while the other is entirely foreign. IDK, I’ve seen many cases where washing your hands after a piss made no sense due to cleanliness issues or a lack of a sink and never heard anyone around ever having any issues. Yet many pathogens are spread via the fecal oral route. So I’ll take my chances of maybe having some of my urine vs having someone else shit on my hands everytime in that situation.
I’m not sure I follow your logic here. You believe you’ll come into contact with other people’s piss and shit less often when people don’t wash their hands?
Air hand driers cover your hands in other peoples fecal matter. That’s a massive biological risk, especially with how many pathogens are transmitted from poop to mouth. Using a urinal will most often result in no backsplash, keeping my hands pretty clean. To wash off that minor, if any, urine which got on my hands and end with others poop on my hands from the air drier has put me in a much worse position. That’s all I’m saying, is there’s 100% situations where washing you hands makes no sense after a piss. But it’s good practice for sure, unless an air drier is involved.
I bet you also refused to use masks because you couldn’t breathe.
I told folks to start buying masks in March 2020 and found a new gig as the one I had didn’t enforce any mask requirements. But I’m also a backpacker who knows bacteria and the immune system pretty well. I don’t read much research on urine, so again, please forgive that oversight. But funny how people aren’t easily categorized, ah?
So you only trust science sometimes? There are contradictions on whether air dryers are more or less hygienic than paper towels. But there’s no contradictions on whether you should wash your hands.
This study from the American Society of Microbiology specifically demonstrates how air driers at least add 3 bacterial colonies, and up to 254 colonies, when using an air drier in a public restroom: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/aem.00044-18. In addition, a Harvard review of the research also identifies that the chances of picking up a serious pathogen in the bathroom are quite small.
So, having little chance in general yet using the air drier, which has shown to add bacteria to your hands in every single test, doesn’t make sense after understanding this data. I’m a man of science, and this involves assessing all available data regarding the topic at hand. This being the case, the data provided above highlights how just not touching your face and washing your hands at the next opportunity after leaving a bathroom with only hand driers is the most logical move. But to each their own, I know microbiologist and virologist who are much smarter than I that refuse to use air driers, so I took note and make moves accordingly.
All rich people became rich because people like you and me are paying more for services and things than they’re truly worth, which means we pretty much never get our money’s worth even when we feel like we do.
There are no good rich people.
Poor people are just rich people without money
Tall people are short people that are tall
There are no good tall people
It was all fun games until the comment above.
And dead people are just alive people who stopped living.
There are no good alive people
No true alive person would be caught dead.
Or, the creation of economic value is actually possible and we aren’t just fighting over the same scraps of wealth that have always existed.
Most rich people became rich because their ancestors got paid a surplus.