Mine would be Annihilation while very stoned.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I’ve seen it too many times now for me to know if it’s really as good as I find it, but I think I’d really like it all over again if I could forget it.
I came to say this. We watch it most times it’s on. So good! But also so emotionally exhausting!
Lord of the Rings. In cinema, but the extended cut.
I’d love that, but I don’t know if my butt could handle being in a theater seat that long.
The extended editions do have intermissions built in, at least.
I watched the CinemaWins (on youtube) videos for LOTR and it motivated me to watch them again but with my mind sort of turned off and focused on the present moment, so that, for example, I can focus on the greatness of the Moria scene instead of thinking “here comes the Balrog”. It made me appreciate the greatness, emotion and impact of some scenes again.
Princess Mononoke.
I was maybe 10 years old when I first watched it on a pirated DVD copy.
The best way to watch any movie
Spirited Away. I first watched it on cable (with ad breaks!) on my parent’s tiny crt, definitely not ideal
Annihilation is a good one 🐻
Clue, it is awesome knowing what’s coming but it’s so fucking wild the first time.
My friend pulled a cool move once where he threw a pear to a wall. I would like to see that move again.
Fixed it thank you
I won’t be very original, but first thing that came to my mind is Fight Club.
But actually, it is best to watch the second time, once you know what is happening, but I want to experience this plot twist one more time. If someone didn’t watch it already, please so not spoiler it to yourself.
You’ll love the book if you liked the movie.
Now that I’ve read the book, 2001 a space odyssey
Its so good the first time. Way too slow the second.
Probably Contact. I cried at the line:
“They should have sent a poet.”
I’m rewatching cosmos rn, and am gonna watch contact again when I’m finished. Such a good movie.
Jurassic Park
The matrix
To kill a mockingbird
So many…
Do people actually enjoy Primer?
It is a really cool take on time travel, really mind bending on the first watch. Once you have seen it a few times and understand the way things work, it kind of loses some of the entertainment value.
I think the issue for me is twofold: a) I couldn’t connect with the characters-they felt like Asimov plot devices for carrying the story forward and b) too much emphasis on the time traveling paradox riddle. What I mean by the latter was that watching the movie felt more like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube but through charts and diagrams. I get that some people enjoy that kind of stuff but I prefer having a solid story line. But I watched it a long time ago, maybe I need to rewatch it with fresh eyes.
I haven’t seen hackers. How is it?
The early over the top hacker aesthetic, the ridiculous adversarial hacker battle, the complete misunderstanding of what hacking actually involved (the world has changed). It is all awesome.
Some of the stuff they got right is also cool, the social engineering is still a thing.
Also because of my age when it came out (1995)…I would have seen it in 96/97, I was in my late teens.
Your Name
The Matrix
Saw it in the theatre knowing nothing about it other than that the poster looked fun.
Was not expecting a philosophical mind fuck.
Just rewatched the matrix a few days ago. I swear I forget all the main details until I watch it every 6 years or so haha. It’s good, some effects are really showing their age now though.
Same, the “what is the Matrix” marketing was so mysterious and effective.
Vanilla Sky. That movie is a bizarre trip even when you do know what’s going on. But when you don’t, it’s a positively surreal experience.