I’m looking to getting back into VR gaming. However, with my switch to Linux, that has made things a little more complicated. I don’t own a Valve Index (although I’ve heard that there are some issues with the Index on Linux), I own a Rift CV1. As far as I’m aware, the Oculus Rift is pretty much completely incompatible with Linux. I do also own both Beat Saber and SUPERHOT VR on the Oculus Store (poor choice of platform, I know).

So, unless there’s something I’ve overlooked, my options are as follows:

  1. Sell my Rift and stop playing VR games (weird option to choose but it’s an option).
  2. Sell my Rift and save up to buy a Valve Index (despite its issues)
  3. Sell my Rift and save up to get a Quest 2 (or 3 when that comes out, although that plays into Metz’s pockets).
  4. Keep my Rift and do tiny experiments with it (again, weird choice given the title of the post, but it’s an option)

Does anyone have any advice for me here?

  • Neshura
    62 years ago

    Just to chime in here a bit regarding the Index:

    The headset itself is fine, meaning if you have the room setup done you can play games no problem (assuming the games play nice with Proton, most do but I’ve seen a few hiccups here and there).

    What is not fine is SteamVR. If you are unlucky the App will not really work with your PC out of the box, in which case you’ll have to play around to get it working, switching to and from Beta branches.

    Only real problems exist with the Lighthouses, you’ll need a Script to put those into and out of Standby mode and updating their Firmware via Bluetooth does not work.