The fact I’ll die alone without ever feeling the love of a woman besides my mother and without a child saddens me. So, as kind of a consolation, I want to know… How does it feel? Being in love and being together, the sex part, just living together and all that…

    410 months ago

    You know you’re talking to some women on this forum, right? And that we’re not some monolithic group that only likes pretty, rich, white men?

    You’re coming across like an incel… Which, you know, probably isn’t going to get you very far with most women. Stop being a troll and actually take some of the suggestions here to heart.

    • CYB3ROP
      010 months ago

      Since when I said rich? And btw there’s statistics about it, white girls USUALLY prefer white folks. Other ethnicity are more lax, except from traditional Asians. Also if you have to chose between that supposed rich guy and me… What would you pick?..

      I don’t need an answer on that.