It seems like its a perfect distro. Rolling release so you get recent packages and dont have huge upgrades every few months, but not so bleeding edge that it breaks often. YaST is pretty cool but you are not forced to use it. Basic installation gives you enough essential stuff, but its not too bloated. The only thing its missing is AUR, but i still didnt find a program that i need and cant find in official repos or trough flatpak.

Honestly, now that i use it, it seems like insanity to install anything else. (for everyday desktop use)

  • Kabe
    222 years ago

    Here are a few reasons I can think why some may not take to it. Trigger warning for Suse users

    • Out-of-the-box aesthetics are pretty ugly (why are they still using that godawful default wallpaper?)
    • Yast looks like the Windows 95 control panel (I guess this might be a plus for some people?)
    • Zypper can be sluggish to update and install packages
    • regular package updates are large, even compared to Arch
    • Seems to have more frequent security/password prompts (a good thing for enterprise scenarios, but not always welcome or necessary on a personal PC)

    It’s not bad by any means, but I’ve tried it out several times and always ended up abandoning it because of little niggles like the above.

    • Richard is a lemur
      62 years ago

      Software avaliability can be a bit scarce too, mainly when compared to fedora or even arch’s aur

      • Kabe
        52 years ago

        Yeah, I can see why that may appeal to some people. Personally, I prefer a more modern look.

    • Dandroid
      42 years ago

      My work is exclusively SUSE, and I just can stand zypper. It’s so slow, and I feel like it is always complaining about compatibility issues.

    • KotoWhiskas
      22 years ago

      Also it would sacrifice user experience over “security” - i.e. with default SElinux config proton may not work correctly - see this bug

      12 years ago

      yast can be ugly, but effective. And aesthetics are definitely subjective. Agree about zypper though.