This question is obviously intended for those that live in places where tap water is “safe to drink.”

I live in Southern California, where I’m at the end of a long chain of cities. Occasionally, the tap smells of sulfur, hardness changes, or it tastes… odd. I’m curious about the perspective of people that are directly involved and their reasoning.

  • Scrubbles
    11 year ago

    Sounds like UV and reverse osmosis are better, but if your city is already purifying it’s probably overkill. From my very quick research it sounds like it’s a good option only if your local tapwater is currently failing, which honestly some american towns and cities are. In that case - go for it, but if you’re city is passing, then it sounds like you’re purifying already perfectly safe to drink water.

    • I guess what I’m concerned about is if the current purification methods used by my city is not good enough. By that I mean they do all the stuff they should be doing, but by not doing reverse osmosis or UV they let some things through that can hurt you.

      I’m worried that by doing everything BUT those latter two, the city could be putting me and people I care about at risk.

      Are you saying this is an unreasonable worry? Am I understanding you correctly?