For me it was these.

“A focused fool can accomplish more than a distracted genius”

“Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter”

These two quotes really helped get my @** in gear.

    41 year ago

    I found that same nugget just under a decade ago. Dropped off the dating scene to work on myself. It really made me reflect. I’m still working on myself and honestly I suspect I will be for a while to come.

      61 year ago

      It took me over 6 years after my first serious relationship to really start figuring myself out and getting in tune with who I really was. I’m definitely still on the path and I realize more and more why my last relationship ended. It really was the best thing for me at the time.

        91 year ago

        When I first came across that wisdom I realized my desire in a relationship was to just pour myself into the other person, basically worship them. But not for their benefit, but to distract myself from myself. It’s fairly easy to see how that goes wrong.

        I’m still learning, and I’ve found even more stuff I need to work on, but either I get there or I don’t, what matters if I never stopped trying.

      21 year ago

      Reminds me of 28 Days.

      I did not kill this plant, it was sick or something. I gave it everything. I was talking to it, telling it stories. I drew a sketch of it, and put it on my refrigerator.

      Did you water it?

      I killed the plant.