My lower res, lower DPI display from my old Dell laptop looks much more sharp and crisp than the fancy pants Framework 13 high res display.

  • AnonStoleMyPants
    11 year ago

    Do you remember making any tweaks? I had Debian 12 with Gnome and could not figure out how to fix blurred fonts with 1440p display.

    • Xwayland apps (running in legacy xorg) are extremely blurry under fractional scaling, native wayland apps can have worse rendering but not very noticeable.

      The easiest way of checking if you have doubts is install xeyes and launch it. if xeyes follows the cursor inside the app you are tesing is in xwayland, if not is pure wayland.

      Electron apps have to be configured to use wayland, whereas If you are in Debian check Firefox (ESR) is using wayland or install it through the offical deb repo of mozilla the latest. I think in the archwiki are the envronment variables to check.

      And, for 125% maybe is just worth to you to just scale text to 1.20 using gnome-tweaks and leave it at 100% the scaling. It is not fancy, but it works. I have to use 150% so is too obvious/ugly to just scale the fonts…

      • AnonStoleMyPants
        11 year ago

        Yeah I’ve heard that xwayland is not great. But I did not have any factorial scaling, just normal 100%, nevertheless I did test esr and the standard one, though the standard is definitely a flatpack. Also just the text on the settings window was blurry so I don’t think that was the issue.

    • I’m on opensuse tumbleweed. It might just be that all the apps I use are Wayland. I’ll take a look when I’m back home, currently I’m on a trip visiting family.