Alcohol and weed don’t sound appealing.

      51 year ago

      My mum was raised without eating pork (they just didn’t have it growing up), and my dad saw and heard the abattoir near daily and associates the smell of pork with screaming children.

      On the odd weekend when they were both away, us kids would sprint to the store, grab reams of bacon and cook it fast on the sly for a real fry-up. We’d have to air out the house as well afterwards to get rid of the smell, but they’d always know and complain about it when they got back

      • Protip for if you find a time machine: Charcoal Grill, fire extinguisher, tinfoil, and a pan that’ll fit in the grill. Start your grill, get it all hot and stuff, line your pan with foil, drop your bacon on, cover, and check occasionally, flip when needed. DO NOT spill the grease, but if you do that’s why the fire extinguisher is here. For best results use thick cut bacon (always).

        Keeps the smell outside and it’ll be some of the best bacon you’ve ever had, it’s just kiiiind of a fire hazard…