• ampersandrew
    21 year ago

    But not for multiplayer, correct? No LAN coming? I imagine they wouldn’t want to let you play offline when it has the in-app purchases tag.

    • @PlantJam@lemmy.world
      41 year ago

      The in app purchases are entirely cosmetic. The shop is set up to be really player friendly, though. For example, item prices and currency amounts match, and there aren’t any bonuses for buying more at once. You can even buy up to 200 stash tabs with regular in game gold.

      There isn’t an option for local LAN play as far as I know.

      • ampersandrew
        11 year ago

        Cosmetic or not, it provides them an incentive to want to keep you online for multiplayer, so they’re probably not in a rush to add a feature like LAN that’s just plain better for the customer to have.

        • @PlantJam@lemmy.world
          71 year ago

          How much demand is there for LAN play, though? The friends I would want to play with are cities and states away, so we couldn’t use LAN even if we wanted to.

          • ampersandrew
            1 year ago

            The demand for LAN skyrockets to 100% as soon as it isn’t profitable for the developer to run a server for the game anymore. LAN (or private server, or direct IP connection) games can be played via low-latency VPN when there is no official infrastructure for the game anymore. Devs like to pull out the excuse that LAN isn’t used very often for why it doesn’t get implemented, but it’s a dishonest answer. It does take development resources to build, and playing with official online infrastructure is in fact the path of least resistance, but the death of that infrastructure is inevitable, and even when it’s running, you can run into an issue like Helldivers 2 is right now where it just isn’t reliable. If you want to omit the feature because most people never use it, you may as well design cars without seat belts or air bags. Grim Dawn and Titan Quest will be playable in multiplayer indefinitely into the future, because they have LAN.

            • @NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
              1 year ago

              ARPGs have basically been live games since Diablo 2 and only gotten farther down that route ever since.

              If it is at the point where the developer can no longer justify maintaining the master servers, the game is (generally) dead as a doornail and the “100%” demand is a very small number.

              I always prefer to have the option to do whatever I want with a game. But I fully acknowledge stuff like LAN mode for a live game is something that only benefits a small subset of players and is very much about “What happens after we have all lost our jobs?”.

              Its the same reason that any studio that claims they will make all the DLC free or remove the DRM or whatever before they shut the doors are, at best, naive. And most likely lying. Because that is the farthest thing from a priority when you are trying to rip the copper out of the walls before you get called in for your layoff.

              • ampersandrew
                1 year ago

                For me, it’s a stamp of forced obsolescence on a game that didn’t have to be. If they don’t want to put in LAN, they can offer the server binaries, and people can and will figure it out if it’s an option. But let’s be real; the reason it isn’t there is because it creates a dependence on them that helps them sell you more stuff. I’m okay with them trying to sell me more stuff. I’m not okay with them destroying the longevity of a game to get there.

                • @NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
                  11 year ago

                  Its not “forced obsolescence”. Its about there being limited time and resources involved in any project. And stuff like this is very specifically about making sure the game will still be viable for the people who still want to play it after the project/company is over.

                  The Internet so any metaphor will immediately lead to anger but: It is good practice to document processes and design decisions so that someone who comes after you can understand them. And yes, there is an argument for “job security” if you are the only person who understands how the backup server works. But it is not “job security” to slack a bit on properly documenting and filing that information because you have a million and one other things to work on.

                  And a lot of the “We need LAN/offline mode in case you go out of business” can feel a lot like “So… we need you to make sure that this will work if we fire you tomorrow”. Yes, a good developer will do that (because it really does reduce support burden down the line) but that is not going to be your priority when you have other deliverables or stuff you actually enjoy working on.

                  • ampersandrew
                    1 year ago

                    The server can, and often does, shut down when the business is still around. Nexon is still around, but Warhaven is going away. Ubisoft is still around, but you can’t play The Crew anymore starting in April. I know that there are limited time and resources involved in any project, but I also know they should have spent those resources on making a product that will last, especially when their competitors in V Rising or Titan Quest II managed to do so. This is forced obsolescence, whether they intended it to be or not, but they almost surely intended it to be.