This question is social/political, and meant to trigger a nice debate on the negatives of imbalanced infinite progressivism we seem to be heading in social and technological spheres, ignoring science, practicality and reason.

Let me put up a disclaimer that I am not trying to poke transgender community here. I am trying to hint towards the “traditional” gender roles that seem to be frowned upon in a cultist manner, even though it is accepted in an unspoken manner that most of us do prefer a lot of “traditional” aspects once we surpass 30s, and life demands responsibility, accountability and maturity.

8values made me think of the fundamental parameters that we gauge ourselves and others on, and this seems like it would have opinions coming from leftists that frown upon traditional values in an almost religious manner, as well as centrists and conservatives that might not have as traditional views as leftists think. Just an open discussion.

We can replace “progressivism” with “liberty” and “nationalism” and create couple more questions, but those are not as debatable I think.

        101 year ago

        Equality and right to exist for everyone who does not ascribe to “traditional” cis-hetero-normative values for one.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
          -41 year ago

          As a cis man from Asia, I see we are definitely getting closer to accepting people with non-hetero preferences. There is progress, but I doubt some societies with extreme religious fundamentalism will change soon. It does not help that NATO loves weaponising trans people for neoliberal white power agenda.

            1 year ago

            It does not help that NATO loves weaponising trans people for neoliberal white power agenda.

            Expand and explain further please.

            …we are getting closer…

            And therein lies the problem with your post imo. You decry the supplantation of “traditional” values but fail to acknowledge the reason for it is because the systems they’re built on are inherently oppressive, unjust, and built for the benefit of the few. “Getting closer” to accepting someone for the characteristics they exhibit that in no way impact others is not good enough. The systems that insist on slow rolling out human rights in order to preserve the comfort and avoid cognitive dissonance of “traditionalists” deserve to be torn down to the root

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
              -31 year ago

              It does not help that NATO loves weaponising trans people for neoliberal white power agenda.

              Expand and explain further please.

              My description of the current “order” is cis normative western superimperialist surveillance capitalist media-military complex. If you looked at the history of, or how there is overwhelming presence of white people in police, military and capitalist positions in western countries, or how there is a “blue eyes blonde hair” preference among Europeans openly called for by the big Western media outlets during Ukrainian refugee escape (non-whites were stopped and beaten on Poland border), you can see it far more openly than your assumption of me not seeing things that seem obvious to you.

              The goal of western superimperialist capitalist order has always been to consider whites at the top. The funding and encouragement for Muslim genocide in Palestine is a clear example. Muslim journalists were quickly ousted since October, and Arab resolution for ceasefire was vetoed by USA. You have African-Americans who got assimilated into western capitalism and today cheer for it and shit on Africans and Muslims as per convenience and for appeasing their white “masters”. English fascism never died with Hitler’s regime, it existed before and after it and still does. Uyghur genocide propaganda was fake western concern for Muslims, when China was protecting them from radicalisation.

              The systems that insist on slow rolling out human rights in order to preserve

              I think the “system” is already tearing apart, both itself and via social opposition. Capitalism is unsustainable, and that is the backbone of western imperialism with social discriminatory values embedded within it. USA’s skin colour based social order was inspiration for Hitler to enact racial segregation policies in Germany.

              • HopeOfTheGunblade
                51 year ago

                I’m not hearing how trans people fit into this. You know the Nazis killed a lot of trans people and the book burnings included the research of the time, right?

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
                  -31 year ago

                  A lot of trans people and feminists are utilised to push Washington Consensus neoliberal agenda. It is not exclusively trans people. There are videos by CIA themselves on YouTube showing how they “celebrate” (assimilate) POCs and women.

                  • HopeOfTheGunblade
                    61 year ago

                    Unpack this, please? What is that agenda? How are trans people and feminists being used to push it? What does skin deep “support” in the form of lip service have to do with it?

                  • I guessed TikTok, but of course, it’s good ol’ YouTube. I hate to break it to you, but I think those videos were Kentucky Fried Bullshit.

                    But of course, what do I know? I’m sure there are loads of CIA agents on YouTube revealing the master trans plan to a select few who happen to like and subscribe. 🙄

          • HopeOfTheGunblade
            61 year ago

            It does not help that NATO loves weaponising trans people for neoliberal white power agenda.

            Yeah like the other respondent I am absolutely going to request that you unpack this.

          • Bro, where are these weaponized white power NATO trans people you speak of? I live in a city with a relatively high trans and LGBTQ+ population, and “white power” is about the furthest thing from describing what I see in that community.

            For real, where are you getting your information from? This sounds like you watched some TikToks instead of going places where you could see for yourself.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
              -21 year ago

              They do not need to be weaponised directly for English fascism agenda. If they are immobilised using the lure of a good paying job in capitalism, they remain busy in bread and circus. This immobilisation of people has created an impossibility of revolution in western countries, and thus the stigma and hatred against socialism.

          • amio
            31 year ago

            lmfao, this is where the shark has well and truly been jumped.