Steam Next Fest, which is a regular event for showcasing upcoming games, is happening now on steam and will continue until February 12 at 10:00 AM PST (UTC-8).

With hundreds of demos available, even if you’re only interested in a fraction of the games it’s going to be difficult to try everything before the event ends. With that in mind, I’m hoping people can use this thread to share their thoughts on the titles they’ve played.

Which games did you enjoy, and which do you think suck? Please share your thoughts!

  • Billiam
    101 year ago

    The four I’ve tried and would recommend:

    Homeworld 3 looks gorgeous. I’m not good at RTS games but I’m interested in this one just for the nostalgia and it hits that just right.

    Lightyear Frontier is a good “just chill and work on your farm” kind of game. It seems relaxing.

    Pacific Drive is like The Forest but instead of feeding and protecting yourself, you’re fueling and repairing your car.

    And for a surprise hit I just tried on a whim, Space Trucker. A sci-fi twist on the Euro Truck Simulator style game.

      31 year ago

      Pacific Drive had one of the most atmospheric intros I’ve seen since Half Life. It loses a little once you start scavenging and crafting and get your HUD, but still a unique game. Like a cross between My Summer Car and STALKER.