I just finished Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.

I’ve always been quite into the Uncharted-series, but never got around to playing LL. Now was the time.

And my god, how I hated much of it.

Now, I know the game is getting old. But shit, it got on my nerves. Janky movement, quite possibly the most stupid NPC AI (friends and foes alike) and! The god damned quick time events.

Why oh why in the name of everything holy am I “forced” to sit and repeatedly mass the square or triangle button to lift a door, move a leaver, push some freaking branches aside, kick some rubble, spank a pony. Well, maybe not that last one.

And sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row.

Why? Why, god damn it?

Who in their right mind finds it to be a wise gameplay choice to have me pushing the same button over and over again like a lunatic? It’s not even a combo like in the good old Tekken days. IT’S THE SAME FREAKING BUTTON OVER AND OVER!

Sorry. Just had to get it off my chest.

  • Vengefu1 Tuna
    42 years ago

    The Uncharted series isn’t really my jam, but I can still relate. Halo 4 has those completely unnecessary quick time events and it’s very jarring. I’m so glad we’ve moved away from this fad.