Computer related:

  • Don’t be your family computer savy guy, you just found yourself a bunch payless jobs…
  • Long desks are cool and all, but the amount the space they occupy is not worth it.
  • Block work related phone calls at weekends, being disturbed at your leisure for things that could be resolved on Mondays will sour your day.

Buying stuff:

  • There is expensive because of brand and expensive because of material quality, do your research.
  • Bulk buying is underrated, save yourself a few bucks, pile that toilet paper until the ceiling is you must.
  • Second hand/broken often means never cleaned, lubricated or with easy fixable problem.
    01 year ago

    Haha did you get woken up in the middle of the night to fix things too?

    I had the opposite solution though. I just threw money from my summer job at computing infrastructure until they had things that wouldn’t often break. Maybe a bit silly, but it did eventually work!

      11 year ago

      I don’t think anyone woke me up in the middle of the night to fix their computer when I was younger. If it did happen it was so infrequent that I don’t remember it happening today.