Anyone know of any user friendly, FOSS, backup programs that work on Windows? If they were cross-platform that would be a bonus. Asking for a friend (no really, a family member)

    41 year ago

    I’ve used Kopia before and liked it. It’s cross platform and allows you to browse back through folders on a timeline like macOS Time Machine.

    • Nix
      21 year ago

      Looking through yhe website has me a bit confused. If I want to use this and backup my computer to say Google Cloud. Do I have to set up a VM with google cloud and install software or what? I can’t seem to find any info on what the price will look like

        21 year ago

        I had backed it up to an external drive. If I remeber correctly, there may be an option to remotely connect to google cloud from within the kopia app, but you don’t need to create any VM. I don’t have access to Windows to test it now, but you can always download the all the explore it.