I’m curious, does anybody else sit down in the shower. (That’s right not a typo. Sitters, not shitters)

This started for me when I was younger, usually when I was nursing a gnarly hangover. The warm water beating down on me was a solace and sitting just made it feel all the more comforting. Though I’m sure it’s not the most hygienic.

Over the years, it’s evolved into a ritual, now my preferred way to unwind and relax. So much so, I’m building a concrete bench seat in the shower, with a custom shower head above it, as part of our bathroom renovations. (Similar to the pic)

I’m curious if anyone else has a similar routine. Do you find it therapeutic too? Any particular reason why you started?

  • @LucidDaemon@lemmy.world
    12 years ago

    It seems like it would be calming. Though I feel the tub gets a bit gross for this.

    Any chair recommendations for tubs? What about shower heads that work best to not drown you?

    • LachlanUnchainedOP
      32 years ago

      Don’t know chairs. I just sit cross legged on the floor. Madly the shouter head backs me to the side, find a sweet spot. And all good.