both Linux operating systems have 1. A friendly user interface, 2. A hidden terminal, and 3. A locked down root user, to avoid dangerous actions!! Why do people seem to dislike Android when Ubuntu is similar to it??

    71 year ago

    I’ll address all your points

    1. It’s just GNOME but slightly modified
    2. How? Gnome includes a terminal that technically exists (even if slow)
    3. Just use sudo

    As for the differences

    1. Ubuntu is open source (Android =/= AOSP)
    2. Sudo is enabled
    3. Ubuntu repository
    4. Gnome is a proper desktop (and can even be a traditional desktop with extensions)
    5. Can be heavily modified
    6. Telemetry can be disabled
    7. The most controversial feature (snaps) can be removed
    8. Ubuntu uses the standard Linux kernel
    9. It’s a desktop operating system
    10. It’s not owned by a multi billion dollar ad company
        11 year ago

        Android generally refers to a complete Android system that includes Google software and services along with additional OEM bloat. Meanwhile ASOP is extremely bare bones and parts of it are being abandoned.

          11 year ago

          I guess AOSP is barebones, but it’s not like anything is being abandoned that matters, AOSP itself is still alive, kicking, and thriving. Interesting to hear that people consider Android, AOSP + proprietary bits. It’s not something i’ve used myself

            21 year ago

            Interesting to hear that people consider Android, AOSP + proprietary bits.

            Google owns the Android trademark, and they won’t let you officially call any OS that doesn’t meet their requirements Android. And their requirements include Gapps among other things. That means AOSP is not Android.