What a fun game . Wish it was a little longer though .

  • @cyd@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    With better world-building for the game setting, and more effort at writing memorable human characters, this could have been a major IP franchise. Pity.

    • Kbin_space_program
      1 year ago

      Without EA intentionally fucking over Respawn as the producer for Titanfall 2 by making it have the worst possible release date, and driving them to bankruptcy, this would have been a major IP.

      As it is, we have Apex Legends instead of a Titanfall Series.

        • Kbin_space_program
          31 year ago

          It was dropped between CoD(which at the time was riding high) and the legendary BF1, which was the WW1 one that was universally acclaimed and revitalized the series.

          It never had a chance to do well.

            • @CarterDarter@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Hardline was mocked for being weird mostly, not bad. People always saw it as a stop gap, as DICE didn’t even develop it

              BF4 was considered the beginning of the end at launch sure, but by the end of its lifecycle it was pulling huge numbers and great reception. They had basically FIXED things like bad netcode and many more fixes that made it the best battlefield had been yet imo as bf3 lacked grander scale in terms of mechanics and content

              Bf3 not being bad company 3 was an issue pre launch, but almost immediately people stopped caring because bf3 is almost universally beloved now for its huge balls and incredible rush map design and more enjoyable vehicles than Bad Company

              And finally, it’s not about the quarter… the release date is literally only a week after BF1 and CoD was already pulling in huge fps numbers about a month before. It’s been observed many times before too that people tend not to buy multiple games before Christmas, and often will only have one or two games to choose from for Christmas… which means nobody is taking a risk on Titanfall 2 (both for the reasons you stated, and because of the release window)

        • @cyd@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          I would add that the Titanfall 2 campaign was more “surprisingly good”, with a lot of potential for improvement. IMO, it didn’t reach the level where you were sucked into the setting and wanted to know what happened next to the characters, like say Mass Effect 1. It could have gotten there, if the writing had been stronger, but it didn’t. So I too don’t think it’s EA’s fault.