All religions have it’s own myths, own stories, own set of values. And these are/were good stories, I mean, even though they are not true, they are certainly interesting. You won’t feel bored by it.

Harry Potter has the same effect on people, like, why should I take Harry Potter seriously, why do I care what happens after Dumbledore dances with Snape (won’t give actual spoilers :')

I mean, it doesn’t make sense to me. Why do I care so much about a soap opera that I am watching. Harry Potter is the product of just one brilliant woman’s imagination. It has no real value on my life. I have no real motivation to read that other than the fact that I like it and I want to know. Harry Potter is somewhat irrelevant to my life, than why does it or any other good story capture our imagination?

Why do I care what the next season of House M.D. entails? Why? What should I care if he dies or lives? Why :')?

    12 years ago

    Seems like there’s a bunch of Sapiens books. Which book and which chapters were you thinking of?

      22 years ago

      It’s literally Sapiens, the first book. The chapter is called the Unification of Humankind, from the quick look I had online.